Pierre Bruneau in the countryside!  |  The Journal of Quebec

After a short night due to the Gemini evening on Sunday, he was “deeply touched” by the long applause he received from his colleagues, Pierre Bruno took the direction of the capital on Monday morning. Quebec… but his last stretch toward retirement.

Pierre Bruno is also on the campaign trail: he will be stepping up his walks across the province in the coming days in view of election night. Quebec 2022He will host on October 3rd on TVA.

On Monday at Laurier Québec, along with TVA Québec anchors Julie Couture and Pierre-Antoine Gosselin, Pierre Bruneau was nourished by a dialogue with all generations, in which many young people implored him. Self portrait.

The newscaster was delighted to see an 11-year-old boy running to share his dream of becoming a journalist. He never fails to tell his idol, eyes shining, that he listens to news packages every evening.

“Young people recognize me! I am happy! It’s so touching,” he exclaimed, still in awe of our undying love for him.

A busy summer

He may have announced his retirement in June after 46 years of loyal service at TVA, but Pierre Bruneau has been busy this summer. He agreed to pilot it Go to Quebec 2022 And the election night before his final trip.

Away from the heat of the action for the first time, the veteran confided that he found his preparation for these two important shows “difficult”. “When you’re in a newsroom, everyone feeds you all the time. This year, I have to discipline myself to read everything and ask everything. I’ve changed the way I work, but the result remains the same. »

The host of more than thirty election evenings in his career will be supported on October 3 by Mario Dumont, Emmanuel Latravers, Paul Larocque, Jean-Marc Léger, Pierre-Olivier Chapa and about twenty journalists.

“My responsibility is to get information as it comes out and deliver results as it becomes available,” he said.

Be careful with the results

Talks about results. On election night last November, the media announced Marie-Josie Savard as mayor of Quebec before Bruno Marchand’s spectacular comeback. Will this time start with the famous “if the trend continues…” with more caution?

“Jean-Marc Léger and Mario Dumont told us to be careful, because the trend often changes in Quebec with early voting. We announced it because we established the metrics, but our electoral office did not expect this matter of early voting. This time, it will be played out in the vote distribution between the five parties. I think so. It’s just predictions and unfortunately we’re not immune to errors,” he lamented.

Pierre Bruno did not want to make himself a Dominique Michel: Quebec 2022 It would be his last meeting with the audience. He could lose his job: he says he felt a tug in his heart after watching the media coverage devoted to the Queen’s death from his home. “It would be a lie if I said I didn’t want to be there. »

  • Quebec 2022 will air on October 3 at 6:30pm on LCN and 7:30pm on TVA.

Judgments of Pierre Bruno

  • September 20: Rimouski
  • September 22: Sagunei
  • September 23: Three rivers
  • September 26: Sherbrooke
  • September 27: Catino

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