PKN ORLEN: The conventions “revealed” by TVN 24 are available to everyone

It is not true that Poland has lost control of the Gdańsk refinery, and therefore the country’s energy security is allegedly at risk, as confirmed by the PKN ORLEN press office in a statement regarding the publication “Yes, Poland has lost control of the Gdańsk refinery”, which appeared on the TVN 24 website. As stated, “All contractual relations, rights and obligations between PKN ORLEN and Saudi Aramco are governed by bilateral investment and trade agreements.”

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The statement confirmed this “These agreements are trade secrets and cannot be disclosed, and drawing conclusions regarding the parties’ cooperation mechanisms solely on the basis of the company’s agreement published in the National Court Record is not authorized.”

The media office of PKN ORLEN says that thanks to the strategic partnership with Saudi Aramco, which is the largest fuel company in the world, Poland gains guarantees of a stable and long-term supply of crude oil. As noted, in the current geopolitical conditions it is Specifically important.

The statement’s authors confirmed that Orlen owns 70 percent. in the company Rafineria Gdańska and will have a decisive influence on decision-making in the company, while the representatives of PKN ORLEN will form the majority of the members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board.

“The incurring of obligations by Rafineria Gdańska requires the participation of a member of the board referred to by PKN ORLEN in each matter” – We read in the document. It states that the members of the company’s management bodies, regardless of the shareholders appointed by them, “by law cannot harm the interests of the company, and in particular paralyze its operations.”

It is also emphasized that the material published in the TVN 24 article is public and accessible to all.

“Creating an atmosphere of sensation and mystery around these documents is manipulation.” – We read. It was also added, “An attempt to legitimize other alleged documents on this basis is also manipulation »a statement« in the program »black on a white background«“.

The concern also denies that the Polish side could not conduct an inspection at the refinery itself and verify the exact status of the company, and could only use the audit documents appointed by the Saudi side. As emphasized, the right to access information through PKN ORLEN is directly guaranteed by the company’s founding act.

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# Arlene

#Aramco Saudi Arabia


# Agreements


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