PlayStation Plus Premium – take or not?

Prior to 2010, Sony PlayStation decision makers proudly stated that the company had no intention of charging for playing online games in any way. Comments pointed to a new tactic from Microsoft when the Xbox Live bundle was launched. Before the historical attack on the servers of the Japanese manufacturer in 2011, PlayStation Plus was launched (not to be confused with a specific magazine available in Poland at the turn of the century ;). The service was opened in the summer of 2010. Twelve years have passed since those events. Today, it is difficult to imagine using media without subscription services.

This trend has taken an extravagant scale, and customers are more and more willing to pay a monthly, semi-annual or annual fee to access bookstores that are completed by owners of a particular service. Has anything changed or for the better? Even traditionalists have to admit that this offers a lot of convenience and economy. Not everyone is a professional collector. Everyone loves to play, but do they love to spend? PlayStation Plus Premium is Sony’s strongest offering, and it’s also the most expensive. To take or not to take?

final package

PlayStation Plus

We love retro. I follow many groups on social media, users regularly post about their beloved gems since childhood and early youth. We look back to the days of the PlayStation 3, a humble beginning. The first model of the console offers the ability to play games from both previous generations of Sony – PSX / PS2. Subsequent batches of equipment eliminate this convenience. Later versions run “black wheels” from the drive, but the custom Czarnula program will not. What are we going? For some negligence on the part of the PlayStation manufacturer.

The company is starting to treat its powerful advantage very marginally. In the following years, the next generation of PS4, we see a complete lack of interest in backwards compatibility. Of course, there was nothing standing in the way of playing the game of Memories, for example in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, but only for a fee, with the necessary actions (support of the trophy, slightly increased accuracy). In other words, Sony abandoned the classics for a long time, and focused on other priorities. At the time, Microsoft did the opposite, supporting older titles completely free of charge. At the same time, Xbox Game Pass began to grow. Today I will write that the service has had a huge impact on the gaming market. Otherwise, he wouldn’t speak the same Jim “Jimbo” Ryan. “There is no competitor to Xbox Game Pass. The site took up about 60-70% of this market” – it’s hard to believe these are his words. Is PlayStation Plus Premium a Response to Dominance of the Competition? The price indicates that we are dealing with a connoisseur bouquet rather than completely random customers.

PlayStation Plus Premium is the “more valuable” version of the PlayStation Plus options. Practically speaking, users have access to nearly 700 addresses. We are talking about a line of production of all generations of the brand. It’s nice to go back to classic productions like FEAR Genius (2005, Monolith), but game availability depends on streaming. Sony’s optimized PS Now Premium took a few moments to compare to a similar solution from the competition. Without a strong link, it does not come. Xbox Cloud Gaming ensures that gameplay is available not only on consoles, but also on smartphones and laptops. Sony is adapting to the competition, but the company still lacks a lot in this matter. Let’s focus on the content itself, that is, the catalog of available games. Here, the factory has relatively done its job, because there is something to be done. Strikes like Death Stranding: Director’s Cut, Ghost of Tsushima: DC, Demon’s Souls, and Returnal are definitely the strongest players. The annual package costs about 500 PLN, if you have an account created in the past for Great Britain (like me), the amount will change due to the high exchange rate of the pound. Premium is clearly tempting with its content, but it’s worth looking at everything a little differently. Producers often use numbers in their shows, 700 is not enough. Xbox Game Pass is of lower quality, and we’re talking about good titles. The problem with Premium is that there are too many games, at best, on average. This is the price for the quantity, ie the quality of the titles shown. Not everyone is excited to play the popular Resident Evil or any other Ape Escape game. The rest are games of the previous generation, a lot of turkeys. The Game Pass catalog is less content, but it’s often more interesting if we strictly omit the games from Sony.

To take or not to take?

this is the question. Who can recommend the richest package of service? The previous paragraph clearly refers to those familiar with the PlayStation family’s historical catalog. Retro lovers will find many treasures. comfort? It all depends primarily on your free time to play. Will you complete all the games offered? is unlikely. Not because we don’t believe in your ability to heal. Traditionally, there is another side of the coin. Sony withdraws products from the catalog from time to time. Have you decided on the premium package and fallen in love with the Wild West included in Red Dead Redemption 2?

You have until the end of this month, as Rockstar Games will be shutting down in early September. The list available simply won’t be crossed if you’re doing something in your life more than dealing with rain. The productions mentioned in the previous paragraphs total about 200-250 hours of gameplay. Another target audience remains. For owners of a model without a driver, PlayStation Plus Premium is the best account if we take a closer look at the prices of games in the PlayStation Store. Outside promotions no mercy. Sony is greatly appreciated. Hence, investing in Premium would make sense here. There is only a catch, certainly at the manufacturer’s expense given the actions of the competition. Halo: Infinite, Forza Horizon, and Gears are moving to Game Pass regularly on release day. Forget about a similar initiative from Sony. Yes, the most interesting Stray has turned out, but that’s about it. Our Last: Part One on Day One as a special guest? It should be so, but it won’t be. The quality franchise has hit Sony’s decision makers more difficult than expected.

If we can accommodate these shortcomings, then PlayStation Plus Premium is an interesting package, which is the merging of several services into one body. For retro fanatics, PS5 Digital owners and hardcore fans of course. For the rest, it is enough to have a standard package of services.

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