Plots become more expensive than apartments.  Standard demand for homes

Poles who want to have a place of their own will have to take into account more and more expenses. Lifts It affects not only the housing market, but also homes. reports that currently plots are several times faster than apartments. The problem mainly affects large cities.

Plots become more expensive than apartments. Standard demand for homes

Data provided by to show that in the case of large cities, prices for small plots (from 12 to 20 ares) increased by up to 30 percent during the year. In the provincial capitals, asking prices for the smallest sites have been rising continuously for four months. There is no chance of reversing this negative trend yet.

The highest increases in the recent period were recorded in Krakow, which exceeded the level of 700 PLN per square meter. In September, more small plots were expected only in Warsaw, where the price of PLN 949 per square meter was recorded. This is a record in the history of measurements.


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We learn from report that In most large cities, the increase in the price of land plots over the past year has reached a double-digit result. In the case of Olsztyn, rates rose more than twice, in Warsaw – by 18%, in Krakow – by 36%. Low prices were recorded only in Poznan and لودód.


In some locations, smaller plots of less than 8 ares are getting a little cheaper. In this case, a decrease was recorded in Warsaw (by 1.9% compared to August 2021) and Gdansk (-6.6%). However, prices rose in Poznan or Krakow.

It is worth mentioning that construction plots It is becoming more expensive due to the growing interest in building single-family homes. While investments related to building new apartments slowed slightly in September, the number of individual investors is increasing.

According to data from the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), construction of 10,201 homes began in September 2021, which means an increase of 5.6%. Compared to August, up to 14.6 percent. Compared to September 2020.

The growing interest in building single-family homes is also evidenced by the increasing queues in offices to obtain a building permit. In September 2021, investors received documents allowing the start of business in the case of 11,572 investments. This is an 8 percent increase. Compared to August, 22 percent. Compared to September 2020.

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