Podkarpacy district.  ML system launched quantitative coating glass production

As confirmed by ML System President Dawid Cycoń on Thursday in Jasionka (Podkarpackie District), the launch of the new line is a historic moment and one of the most significant in the company’s 15-year history.

“The launch of the production of fully transparent glass with a quantitative coating perfectly matches the expectations and needs of the market. At the same time, it responds to the European policy focused on popularizing environmental solutions in construction” – he added.

Cycoń noted that the European Union’s NZEB – Nearly Zero Energy Building Directive has been in effect for nearly two years, the goal of which is to significantly reduce energy consumption in buildings, while using renewable energy.

“We see positive changes in the approach of investors, particularly in Scandinavia and other highly developed markets, where the choice of innovative BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic) solutions has become a norm,” he emphasized.

QGlass innovative quantum-coating glass is a solution developed by ML System scientists. This solution allows you to generate free electricity from the sun, while maintaining transparency and a high dielectric coefficient. It is possible thanks to the use of an envelope consisting of small semiconductor quantum dots with sizes ranging from a few nanometers to several nanometers. They convert ultraviolet and infrared rays into electricity.

According to the company, QGlass panels have very good light transmission parameters and limit the phenomenon of room heating. The efficiency of quantum shells is not affected by the angle of incidence of the light. They can even generate electricity from artificial lighting.

As Cycoń said during the press conference, ML System is the first company in the world to commercialize quantum dot technology and launch a production line.

The production capacity of the new line is about 60 thousand. square meters each year. As the head of the company from Podkarpacie said, about 30 watts can be obtained from a square meter of glass. He stressed that this value will increase with the development of technology.

ML System has already installed quantum coating glass, among others, in the tourist center of Dalsnibba, Norway. However, in Poland, as part of a pilot project, in the Aluron office building in Zawiercie and in one of the abka stores. Quantum-coated glass has also been installed on the facade of the QGlass ML System plant.

Cycoń confirmed that window and door manufacturers are interested in the possibility of using the new product, but did not provide any details about this.

In turn, he said that the company has signed partnership agreements with Guardian Glass and Pilkington. With the latter, he said, the company is implementing a project aimed at developing technology that allows the use of QGlass panels in the automotive industry. “I think this technology will be ready in about two years” – adds Cycoń.

According to the company’s president from Podkarpacie, the new technology will be used in the initial stage mainly in the large glass facade and roof market.

Calculations provided by the company from Podkarpacie show that the return on investment in Quantum Coated Glass is up to five years.

Work on the new product cost about 25 million PLN, a significant part of which came from the EU budget.

According to the information presented during the conference, the company intends to implement the so-called investment plan by 2023. The “new quantitative era” includes the launch of three projects (QGlass, 2DGlass, Active Glass). Then the production capacity will reach about 200 thousand. square meters per year within these three production lines. After the launch of these lines, the company’s employment will increase with a total of about 300 people.

It was also announced at the conference that only 3 people were needed to operate the line.

ML System is one of the market leaders in innovative Building Industry Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) solutions. The company’s products are an alternative to traditional building materials. The company also produces conventional products in photovoltaics, smart city products, and specialty glass, including in the automotive industry.

The total area of ​​production plants with warehouses and R&D center of the company is more than 20 thousand square meters. square meters The company holds 13 patents and 6 patent applications pending. Since 2020, ML System has been conducting research on the use of quantum physics phenomena in professional medical diagnosis.


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