Politica passports.  Ralph Kaminsky, winner of the Popular Music category

The Polityka Passport in the Popular Music category has been awarded to a singer, composer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, music producer and music video director. Ralph Kaminsky About “the musical acts that outraged her but before their time. For the punk scream that became artistic fuel for street events and demonstrations, but did not cease to be her original sound.”

Special Category Award civilization Received the remote control Małgorzata Płysa and Mat Schulz, creators of the Unsound Festival – in order to take a creative approach in difficult conditions and to combine a well-planned online version with the next version of the event, which is already taking place in action.

in category classic music I got the award Tunica Rosinick – For massive vocal imagination and free movement across different musical worlds.

You can read more about it here: POLITIKA Passport 2022 Distribution! Who won the award in the popular music category?

Katarzyna Nosowska got the nickname cultural creator, a special award from “Polityka” – for frequently renewing one’s style, the courage to embark on new paths, opening up new spaces for oneself and others.

Award in Category Movie Received Alexandra Terbisca, in category Dominic Strychersky TheatreIn the category visual arts equally Jana Shostak and Mikojag Sobczak. ukasz Barys received the award in this category literature, a Thomas Konrad Ostavin in category digital culture.

politica passports It is an award given by the weekly newspaper POLITYKA since 1993. It was invented by the longtime head of the culture department, Zdzisław Pietrasik.

For 29 years, it has been awarded each year to young creators and artists for their outstanding artistic achievement. Authors are awarded in the following categories: film, theater, literature, visual arts, classical music, popular music, and, as of 2016, digital culture. Since 2002, a special award has also been given to the creator of culture. This distinction is awarded to persons or institutions that contribute to the promotion of Polish culture in the country and in the world in a special and non-standard way. From 2020, the POLITYKA Editorial Office is also awarding a special award, Kultura Zdalna.

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