Provide future connections.  5G turtle next to it

LG company Developed jointly with the German research institute Fraunhofer, it is a special loudspeaker through which data can be transmitted in the new 6G network standard. Although this technology is not expected to come into use until the end of the 1920s, its possibilities are indeed surprising.

During the August test, it was achieved Data transfer speed at 1 TB/sec. Recent trials in September once again confirmed that we are dealing with solid technology. 1 TB/s is a significant increase in transmission quality compared to 5G networks. We remind you that at the moment, in most cases, the transfer is about 1 Gbit / s, so in the case of 6G we have a 1000-fold increase in bandwidth.

During the new tests, technicians increased the signal strength of the transmitter from 15 to 20 dBm and significantly reduced interference to the receiver. As a result, the experimental 6G network set new records in the 155 to 175 GHz frequency range. Modifications of the system allowed to increase the transmission distance in the open air to 320 meters. Germany plans Building 6G radio masts every 250 meters. Thanks to this, customers will be able to enjoy ultra-fast network access almost anywhere in the city.

LG engineers explain that this is actually just the beginning of the development of the 6G network. Right now transmissions are knocking you to your knees, but eventually they’ll be 10,000 times higher than 5G. This, however, is the song of the future. As mentioned earlier, a 5G network is currently being developed, and commercial implementation of 6G is scheduled for the late 1920s.

Thanks to the 6G network, we will no longer have to worry about the movie we are watching online 8K or 16K at 60 fps We will get stuck or have to wait forever to download it to a mobile device.

Collected almost all over the world 50,000 patent applications related to the development of the 6G network. Suffice it to say that 35 percent of them appeared in China alone. This shows how the country wants to quickly implement this technology and use it to conquer the world.

by the way 6G network development It is worth noting that China was the first in the world to send a 6G satellite called Star Era-12 last fall. There are test devices on board the satellite, which are now used to conduct the first experiments with the network of the future. The satellite was launched there by a Long March 6 missile.

The construction of the 6G network has already been met with strong opposition from circles that are fighting to liquidate the 5G network. 6G technology is supposed to operate at much higher frequencies, which is why opponents of its construction believe that it will not only have more humiliating effect on people and organisms from the fifth generation, but it will also lead to mass deaths once it is turned on.

Chinese scientists recently conducted a study that showed an accelerated growth of neurons in the brains of mice when exposed to a low, short-dose dose of terahertz radiation. Neurons in the brains of mice By about 150 percent Compared to a control tissue grown in a Petri dish. This means that a 6G network that will operate at much higher frequencies than 4G and 5G, under certain conditions, may be good for our brains and even increase our IQ.

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