Public service in Quebec is still swollen

The size of the state holds the swelling. In four years, the number of civil servants has increased by almost 12%.

Although Franுவாois LeCold has promised to wipe out the machine, the upward trend of public service personnel has been confirmed. Quebec had 55,243 public servants in March 2020, 5,872 more than in 2016, according to a recent update by Consul to Tracer.

This data excludes ordinary workers, students and practitioners, as well as health and education networks. It should also be noted that these figures reflect the situation of public servants prior to the outbreak.

The arrival of the CAQ in power did not bend the curve. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of government employees in departments and companies increased by 3.1%.

“The increase is primarily a new initiative announced by the government, particularly aimed at increasing direct services to the people, namely the implementation of a strategy aimed at reducing criminal and penal justice delays, the implementation of immigration strategy, enhanced support rights for children and youth protection,” said ministry spokeswoman Mary-Ève Billion. Begs.

“We increase bureaucracy”

But Christian Daikil, president of Quebec’s General and Public Union, did not have the same reading of the situation.

The technician, who represents office workers and workers working in the state, points out that the majority of people are recruited into employment groups that do not provide employment.

He believes the data measured in “full-time equivalent (FTE)” speaks for itself. While the increase in regular staffing in four years has gone from 47,133 to 51,376 FTEs, there has been a decline in the number of technicians, office workers and workers over the past year.

“Mr. Legalt is going to reduce the bureaucracy to provide more services to the people.” We are not there, on the contrary, we are increasing the bureaucracy. [plus de postes dans] I cut my staff to serve the people, with senior management and hierarchical positions, ”laments Christian Diegel.

4,900 wins at least $ 100,000

In addition, government employees whose annual salary exceeds the index of $ 100,000 is still high. Nearly 4,900 government employees are now paid in six numbers.

The best gender is the majority (59.3%) in public service. After all, women are still under-represented in decision-making positions. However, more and more of them are entering senior management and management positions every year.

Uniform Senior Civil Service

If the population ratio of cultural communities in the regular working group increases slightly, it becomes clear that senior civil service is still the same.

Of the state’s 753 mandarins, only 29 are members of visible or ethnic minorities. The same is true for executives, who make up only 5.8% of cultural communities. This is still an improvement compared to previous years.

There are some more tribal people among the public servants, let alone in senior positions. Three tribes held high government positions in March 2020.


During the election campaign, Franுவாois Legald promised to reduce the size of the state by 5,000 seats. However, this scope is calculated for the entire public and public service, including health and education networks (500,000 employees).

A promise that the CAQ will not be canceled. “The government is continuing to implement an optimization measure that targets 5,000 employees over a four-year reduction or four-year period,” Counsel du Treasure assured.

Number of officers

In regular employees (End of financial year)

  • Tuesday 2016: 49 371
  • Tuesday 2017: 48 721
  • Tuesday 2018: 51 483
  • Tuesday 2019: 53 570
  • Tuesday 2020: 55 243

By gender (March 2020)

  • Men: 22 510 (40.7%)
  • Women: 32 733 (59.3%)

According to the treatment (March 2020)

  • 100 000 $ At $ 109,999: 1394
  • 110 000 $ At $ 119,999: 1123
  • $ 120,000 and more: 2329

According to a member of a target group (March 2020)

  • Members of minorities Visible and ethnic: 12.3%
  • Anglophones: 1%
  • Domestic: 0.7%
  • People with disabilities: 1,4%

Divided between public service personnel 19 Ministries And 66 settings

Source: Treasury Board Secretariat

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