match. dinner. We don’t sit around without anything. “Zizou zi zizu za!” In the background. You hear those familiar slogans and think “PZPN,” right? The union enhances the image of the party, vodka, snacks and disco polo company. It seems that several months have passed since the last big scandal, but the union does not agree with this situation, so it decides to intervene: use censorship. Let me add that the censorship is very primitive and completely overdone.
Journalist Pyotr Zelazny received “a request to immediately stop the violations and remove traces of the violation of personal rights.” On September 12, 2023, he wrote on Twitter: “if relationship, for whom huge redesigning “Will the drunken activists now enter the plane through a different entrance and perhaps create working conditions for anyone?”
Recently – Elon Musk’s social networking site allows access to such statistics – this entry was viewed by seven thousand people. When the creator of “Kopalnia” bragged about summoning representatives of the PZPN before the court, more than two hundred thousand people watched this statement and the resulting acid around it in two hours.
Meanwhile, PZPN are unable to advance from the weakest group in Euro qualifying history, but are able to threaten a lawsuit over their drinking and drunken activists.
By the way, this process can be very funny
– Piotr Zelazny (@ZelaznyPiotr) November 18, 2023
epic. amazing. Corporate masterpiece. We believe that this idea in the Polish Football Association matured after many hours of deliberations by big heads. Navigate through the corpses of the different sections. In the end, it turned into a decision that was made and agreed upon on several levels. “What if people consider this to be censorship?” someone might have asked (maybe not, but so be it). “Zizu zi zizu za!” He heard in response. He heard in response: “No, no one will consider it censorship.”
No, seriously, the thinking of the people in the Polish Football Association is amazing. Why was this position chosen? It was neither particularly popular, nor particularly cruel, nor particularly offensive, nor particularly slanderous. Well, he was promoting a podcast. In addition – again – it happened on September 12, and the biggest turmoil around the Polish Football Association broke out in the middle of the summer, when it emerged that Miroslaw Stasiak, convicted of corruption, had been flown on a representative plane to Chisinau. Which is what President Cesare Colezza tried to explain in a truly strange and cowardly way.
Let’s remember what happened with the Zelazny attack in September. After the June embarrassment with Moldova, this is what the Poles’ return to the country looked like, according to Przeglad Sportoy: “Not only were the players angry after the defeat, but they also felt like teddy bears on Krupuki.“. The feeling of discomfort was caused by the rude and insolent behavior of the guests of the Polish Football Association. Therefore, before the training camp in September, the Federation’s secretary, Lukasz Wachowski, announced revolutionary changes in airport logistics. Players and staff were isolated. They are currently using a different terminal than ” Representatives of sponsors, guests and Federation employees are seated on the plane behind the PZPN Board of Directors, while other members of the delegation occupy the back of the plane.
Therefore, the infamous interview given by Cesare Colizza on RMF seems funny. Admittedly – let us add – only four days before the scandalous (sic!), shocking (sic!) and indecent (sic!) entry of the editor of Zelazny. Remember Kulesa bragging on the radio “Procedures changedThen he answers the question: Can the team’s training camp be held without alcohol: The sponsors are coming, their invited guests are coming, and we are there. We sit down, dinner is at 7 or 8 p.m. On the side there is wine, vodka, champagne or beer. Who wants how much? I can’t imagine that I will invite you or that someone will invite you and what? Are you sitting there with nothing? The team is in another hotel and we are in another hotel. He asked rhetorically and not without remorse.
Is there something wrong here?
First, there was the embarrassment of expelling our delegation’s guests, and then there was great indignation at the prospect of doing something like that. “Sitting with nothing“, and finally an attempt to censor a journalist after an online comment, which was no different from thousands of similar acts of criticism directed at the Polish Football Association after the same PZPN completely destroyed its image.
It’s embarrassingly sad how this union makes absolutely no sense when it comes to such actions. The only thing missing is that the Albanian FA will receive a similar summons before the court for publishing Kuleza’s eloquent conversation with Albanian FA President Shkiptar i Fotbolit. The atmosphere of a conversation with a waiter on “ol-inkluziw”, the brilliance of small talk, a slap on the lapel, extending your hands, saying something in Polish-English…
No one is safe anymore.
PZPN threatens, frightens and entertains. Fear of sleep and fear.
Read more about PZPN:
Photo by Przemyslaw Jarzarczyk (Twitter)
“Bacon scholar. Incurable social media ninja. Professional travel aficionado. Beer buff.”