Quebecers at UN: “I should be hanged the next day”

André Sirois, a Quebec lawyer at the UN, had a narrow escape several years ago. He was in East Timor, occupied by Indonesia. After the vote to expel the invader from the territory, the worst happened to Me Sirois.

“I had a document. My name was on the list to be hanged the next day,” he says.

Speaking on QUB radio, Richard Martineau said it was a situation that well demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the UN. The first resolution against Indonesia was passed in 1976. It took 23 years for the second resolution to be passed. Eventually, his life is threatened.

“There are people trying to reform the UN. It never yielded any results,” said Mr. Sirois laments.

Among other things, he mentions Russia’s recent appointment as president of the UN Security Council. Quebec lawyer goes even further: U.N. This not only calls into question its weight in the global political spectrum, but also its funding.

“All countries promise huge sums, but in reality, very few pay,” says Mee Sirois.

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