- Although there are a lot of films in Polish cinema, only some of them contain dialogues dating back to history
- To this day, a number of products are mentioned by quotes that have gained cult status
- This does not mean that we can always match a quote to an actor or character from a particular movie
- You can find more of these stories on the Onet homepage
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Even if we are not cinema experts, this In the history of Polish cinematography, there are images, characters, actors and quotes that you simply need to know. “Darkness, I can see darkness“,”I don’t have these numbers, Brunner“,”What will I buy for this? Cotton balls?!You can switch endlessly between quotes, each of which evokes appropriate associations, but above all memories. Phrases of famous films have become part of our daily conversations, albeit Many years after its appearance, the connection with the person speaking the phrases may have faded from memory. And the We might be wrong and some famous bits of dialogue have become so timeless that you’ll always be able to literally recognize them? In addition, what is the actor or hero who uttered them? We decided to check it out and set up a game we hadn’t played before. We point out three quotes that you should know well. Your task is to choose the person who said these words. It’s simple, isn’t it? So there is no point in waiting. It’s time to start the unique test!
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Quotes from Polish films [QUIZ]
1. It must be very easy. Who said these words: “The woman hits me!” , “Have you found a Golka?” , “Darkness I see darkness!”?
Jersey Store
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These words were said by Max, played by Jersey Store, in the movie “Sexmission”.
2. “Psy” is a cult movie. So it’s okay to point out who said: “Because she was a bad woman”, “I don’t want to talk to you”, “Sure, to the end.. me or her”?
Bogoslav Linda
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Franz Maurer, played by Bogoslav Linda, was the idol of a whole generation of men.
3. One quote is enough here, but the sanctuary does not hurt your head. “Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz. Chrząszczyrzewoszczyce, Łękołody poviat”, “Bordello boom-boom”, “I had flowers for you, but the cow ate me”. Of course he said in How I Unleashed World War II:
Marianne Kuciniak
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Tireless and indomitable in the fight against his misfortune, Francesc Dulas is considered one of the most recognizable figures of Polish cinema.
4. “Take it on hold, Fred,” “She didn’t let me smoke, that was my last pipe,” “And you wouldn’t understand the history of that jacket anyway.” Who wrote “Boys Don’t Cry” with those words?
Miroslav Zbrujevic
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Although the gangster “Gruch”, played by Mirosław Zbrojewicz, did not say much, we still remember his lines to this day.
5. Even a child knows it. Which of the characters from “Shrek” said: “But there will be fun, masculine conversations, like life and death, and in the morning … I will make scrambled eggs”, “Ooooo. I want again!”, “I’m talking. Full service!”?
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The dubbing and dialogues in the Polish version of “Shrek” in fact became the beginning of the huge popularity of animated films among adult viewers.
6. “And in the Polish film, sir, it is like this: boredom … Nothing happens”; “Sir, who pays for it? The Lord pays, the lady pays, we pay”; “I’m so sorry. I’m Mamwi the engineer.” Who is the actor who spoke these lines in “Rejs”?
Zdzisław Maklakiewicz
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Engineer Mamoń, played by Zdzisław Maklakiewicz, is the core of many people’s tastes and approach to dealing with previously unknown issues.
7. This question will not be easy either. Which character in the movie “Miś” said: “He doesn’t look like anyone else”; “See, computer? English water” and “I came early because I had nothing to do”?
Stanislaw Baloch
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Miś, played by the adorable Stanisław Tym, is one of the most popular Polish film productions of all time.
8. “Kiler” Was Filled With Iconic Dialogues. “Question 1: Do you always pee through a compressed fly?” ; “My wife has a ‘mistake’ for the second time.” Which movie character said that?
Stefan “Ciara” Siarzewski
Commissioner Fish
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If we give the most famous phrase of the commissioner played by Jersey Store, namely: “Fish, I call you an aquarium,” then there would be no fun.
9. “Kiler” is a mine of quotes, so we’ll devote another question to the movie. His lips were these words: “Go with this storm!” ; “What are they doing to me here, embek from home?!” ; “Have you ever, tight, fallen over your head?”
Stefan “Ciara” Siarzewski
Stefan “Ciara” Siarzewski
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Janusz Rewiński entered Polish cinema in the role of gangster “Siara”, but soon after shooting the second part of the hit, he completely went into the shadows.
10. Time for some obscure quotes: “Hejkum kejkum, Olo, Save!” , “Cafe Biba, bacon, lots of tap water!” , “I have Kingsajz!”. Which of the characters in “Kingsajz” said that?
Adam Habs
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Grzegorz Heromiński played the scientist who broke the “kingsajz” monopoly. Juliusz Machulski’s film included a number of references to the director’s other comedies.
11. In the comedy “Fapunk” one of the characters said: “If it goes well, I’ll probably be drunk” or “Quinto is in the air. It’s good to watch.” Which?
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He played the role of Dane Whitold Berkus.
12. Now it’s Your Own time. “Come to the fence, just as I do,” “I am a reliable man – the word is more precious to me,” “Come to the cat, he does here today!”. He Said …
Kazimierz Pavlac
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In front of the Kargul and Pawlak Museum in Lubomierz is a statue of Pawlak, played by Wacław Kowalski.
13. It would probably be too simple. “To decide life when you are young, when you are a moron?” ; “I am waiting for the dog until the sentence is carried out, because he has already collapsed there, on the platform,” “So that I don’t eat alone, I eat with the TV.” Who is the actor who spoke these lines in “The Day of the Freak”?
Marek Kondrat
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Freak Day is described as a portrait of a 21st century magnate.
14. What is the name of the actress who used to say in “Galimatias, or kogel-mogel 2”: “Marianne, it’s kind of fancy here”? “After all, Kasia is already married, and her husband is kind of here …”, “Oh, how do they travel in this country!”?
Ewa Kasperzyk
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“Marianne, it’s kind of fancy here” is a sentence many of us say…on vacation.
15. And in the end, a big hit. We won’t reveal the title of the movie, but you will probably know. What is the name of the actor who spoke these lines: “I am the son of the king of toilet seats. This is a high bar”; “There are no caches, but it’s *** really”; “If you don’t have a family to support, you are not threatened by hunger, you are not Tutsi or Hutu and those things, it is enough if you answer someone with *** really, but this *** is really important question – what do I like in life. Then start doing that “?
Tomas Bäger
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These words, of course, were uttered by the movie “Chick” in the picture “Boys Don’t Cry”.
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