Robert Lewandowski is threatened with death!  German police alert

In January, policemen in Hamburg were put on high alert. All thanks to an anonymous letter delivered to Davidwache’s facility by an employee at 2. Bundesliga club – FC St. Pauli. The correspondence included threats against three Bayern Munich players, Robert Lewandowski, Manuel Neuer and Serge Gnabry.

Officers from the Davidwatch Police Station took the threat seriously and called on the state criminal police in Hamburg for support. Threat speech is checked for fingerprints and DNA traces.

The entire infamous case has also been reported to the German Football Association, and similar threats have been made against the judges. Police are checking if the case is a one-off or if similar letters have been sent to other federal states as well.

We investigate allegations of threats and disturbance of public peace by threatening to commit a crime. We’re checking what’s going on in the background – police spokesman Florian Abinseth said in an interview with Bild.

Neither the Bavarian club authorities nor the representatives of the federation have spoken about this yet.

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