An Indian in the British Army and a member of the resistance movement whose tribal sister has been kidnapped by the English become friends without knowing who the other one really is. Will their friendship prove stronger than loyalty, or will it end in bloodshed?
Many users will probably blame me for reviewing a movie that is impossible to watch on our Netflix normally, you need a VPN, but I watched “RRR” not so long ago with a friend and was so happy with this movie that I decided for you anyway to recommend it. If you have the opportunity to check it out, I recommend that you dedicate all my heart to her with these three hours of your time. You will not regret even a minute spent with Raju and Bimim. It’s a great example of what Bollywood can be – they are expressive heroes, they dance, sing and action scenes that are very silly and undisguised, but they are simply gorgeous and provide a lot of entertainment. If you watched an action movie from that backyard, you know what Indian fiction can do. If not, “RRR” would be an excellent entry point.
Minor correction: I just found out that the movie is also available on our Netflix, but you can only watch it when English is the display language in the app. It’s a little silly, but I checked it out and it actually works.
RRR (2022) – Movie Review [Netflix]. What if Raju and Bhim meet and become friends

The story takes place at the beginning of the twentieth century. India was still under the control of the British Empire, and at least according to the movie, it was a time of riots and protests, which is hardly surprising given how unequivocally the evil and malice of the vast majority of the English people were. The main characters in the film are the historical revolutionaries Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (NT Rama Rao Jr.), although their stories are completely changed in the film. In fact, he had never met the gentlemen. They both have amazing entrances, instantly showing us their dedication, resourcefulness and fortitude. Raju serves in the British Army. His superiors despised him, and his compatriots called him a traitor. However, he does not care about insults and does his duty to the best of his ability. The commander orders him to arrest a certain human being among hundreds of angry protesters, like this Raju jumps into the crowd without hesitation and starts making his way towards his goal. There’s adrenaline, and there’s strength and there’s fun, but effective and readable action. Soon, we met Bhem. The camera makes a long scan of its silhouette, rotating in the process around its axis. Our hero spills the blood of some animals on himself and after a while he has to escape from the wild animals that are chasing him. It may seem like a strange random scene, serving only to show what the Cossack Bheem is, but nothing could be further from the truth. Two hours later, we’ll see why these hunted wolves and tigers were meant to serve. There was no scene in this three-hour movie “just like this.” Everything is important and the movie will lose anything if anything is cut out.
The guys get to know each other during the next phase, twist to the point of absurdity, and immediately begin their relationship. Director SS Rajamouli arrives with a montage showing off their blossoming friendship, with a surprisingly cool song announcing the future events and themes the film will focus on. The main characters represent two different elements. Raju is associated with fire, often accompanying the viewer with his participation. We first recognize Bheem as a reflection in water. Their friendship should not be possible, which is why it is a surprise and it is not known how it will end. The writers wrote this deed beautifully, and the actors played it in a way that sometimes seemed like they wanted to. Some of the scenes during editing previously mentioned might seem a bit outdated, but after thinking about it, I find sometimes friendship is all about fooling around until it all fits.
On the other side of the barrier we have bad English men, chiefly represented by the Buxton Country. Governor Scott Buxton (Ray Stephenson) despises Indians as much as possible, believing that a single bullet in a British rifle is worth more than their lives. He is a silly, obviously evil character, devoid of positive and simple qualities, but still without a beginning to his wife, Catherine (Allison Doody), who is already a caricature of a man. I’m just going to throw out one mantra: “whip.” You’ll know what I mean right away, I guarantee. Perhaps the only positive, light-skinned character in the entire movie is Buxton’s niece, Jennifer (Olivia Morris), and perhaps only because it is possible to write a love story in a way that is just as difficult and potentially doomed as the President’s friendship. Personalities.
RRR (2022) – Movie Review [Netflix]. Action scenes full of ideas

The film, as is usually the case in Bollywood, is very colourful. The director gives a “little” twisted history of his country, so he wants to show how colorful clothes they used to be and how full of life it was for their ancestors. The costumes look very natural, and colors were also used to distinguish the characters from each other or to distinguish one person from the rest, so that you can clearly see them even in a crowd of several hundred people. Of course, the developers didn’t rent that many plugins, helping themselves with CGI instead. Audiences work very well, because all the shortcomings of computer graphics are hidden in the dust floating everywhere, and CGI itself only begins in the background – we see real people closer to the characters. The animals look solid, and only move around in a slightly quirky way from time to time, but that usually adds to the epic scene or just plain fun (or both). In fact, in the entire film I was not only bought by a train that looks a little plastic, also in close-up shots and before it crashes, because the deviation from the track and the explosion itself were made on miniatures So that you don’t have to worry about natural looking fire, water and interaction with the environment. As always, I recommend Corridor Crew’s great article on the subject. You can learn some interesting things and laugh at the same time.
Computer aided or not, the action scenes in the movie are great. Very witty, clear shot – every movement provokes a reaction, in more complex scenes, where fights also happen in the background, you can easily focus on one person and I guarantee nothing is lost between successive shots, we have complete continuity of action. The director’s attention to detail is impressive. The first 2-2.5 hours are still trying to be relatively real. Of course, this is realistic from a Bollywood perspective, so it should be treated with a grain of salt, but What happens at the end of the movie makes the beginning seem quite accurate by comparison. The creators are running with national pride, all the brakes are off, and we laugh and applaud at the same time. And actually until the end of the movie. Pure entertainment and joy. I recommend watching in company – there will be no laughter.
RRR instantly became one of my favorite films of the year. The clear, pure evil emanating from the English language is a bit of a caricature, and the amount of potential endings the movie goes on to pursue (but most importantly, entertaining) may be overwhelming, but it’s still a great story about a beautiful friendship through tough times. The plot is well thought out and can keep you in suspense, entertain and elicit shouts of joy. The dance scenes are integrated into the story and don’t come out of nowhere – except for the number that seals the entire movie, but this can be treated as an end credit – and the music is such a great ambiance generator, it’s epic and engaging. Rama Rao Jr. Charan immediately convinces the audience that their heroes are best friends, and Stevenson, as always, is very convincing in the role of the distinguished and very dangerous man in power. The work is always clear and innovative, and the motives and themes are kept coherent to the end. It may not be the most revealing story in the history of cinematography, but the amount of fun it provides completely makes up for it. I recommend it again with all my heart.
“Amateur social media maven. Pop cultureaholic. Troublemaker. Internet evangelist. Typical bacon ninja. Communicator. Zombie aficionado.”