Russia: Journalists Protest.  Nine people were arrested

And ended this evening the protest, which was in the form of individual sit-ins that do not require approval of the assembly. It was attended by journalists including Radio Swoboda, Independent TV Dożd, portals Waznyje Istorii and The Bell, and Echo Radio Moscow.

The police first arrested journalists Julia Starostina and Daria Cherkudinova. Subsequently, the officers took, among other things, to the police car Sophia Grojsman, a journalist from the Dożd TV channel, the fiancée of Ivan Safronov, accused of high treason, a former journalist of the newspaper “Kommersant”.

Even at 20 local time (7 pm in Poland), the police arrested a total of nine people. OWD-Info, which monitors arrests in Russia, reported that the police transferred the detainees to the Mieszczansky district police station in central Moscow.

On Friday, the Russian Ministry of Justice placed DogeTV on the list of “foreign media agents”, which is practically the only independent television station in Russia. The same “agent” status was granted to the Waznyje Istorii portal. Six journalists have also been added to the list.

Previously, many news portals and other independent investigations were classified as “foreign agents”. Since the beginning of the year, 18 journalists have been granted “agent” status. Some editorial offices described as “foreign agents” stopped their work, and some journalists left Russia.

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