Russia.  Kamchatka.  The Minister of Environment, Alexei Komarkov, called his compatriots “locust beggars”

Local media reported that the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Kamchatka, Alexei Komarkov, may lose his position due to his statements on social networks about Russians. The official, referring to those wishing to rest in his area, referred to his compatriots with “locusts of beggars who squeeze every ruble.”

The offensive statement about Russians came in a comment made by Alexei Komarkov after the statement by Olga Sanaeva, Vice President of the Federation of the Russian Tourism Industry. She reported that for 45,000 rubles (more than 3,000 PLN), tourists in Kamchatka can afford flights, accommodation and meals. Sanyev calculated that if a tourist travels to Kamchatka by rental for 16,000 rubles (1.1 zlotys), he will still have 29,000 rubles (2,000) to live and explore the region.

Minister Komarkov – as reported on the portal of the Cam24 news agency – certainly criticized this. He wrote on social networks that the amount Sanieva gave in Pietropawłowski Kamczacki was only enough for a night and breakfast. “The rest of the time, when you want to eat, you’ll swallow while you look at the prices and walk around town,” said the official sarcastically.

Decisive position in mass tourism

Kam24 noted that Alexei Komarkov, like most specialists of the tourism industry in the region, believes that the idea of ​​developing mass tourism in Kamchatka will not benefit the economy. However, it will adversely affect the nature of the peninsula due to the underdeveloped infrastructure.

“What is the use of the economy and nature of Kamchatka if locusts of beggars rush here, to squeeze every ruble? We decided to develop the mass sector? Do we have the appropriate infrastructure for this? He also mentioned that Saneva is a travel agency enterprise that sells six-day trips to Kamchatka from 72 thousand rubles per person. .

Governor’s reaction

The case was referred to the case by the governor of Kamchatka Krai, Vladimir Solodov, who – also on social networks – stated that he was “unpleasantly surprised by the minister’s publication”. The governor accused the minister of using “explicit, blunt titles towards those who wish to organize their holidays at reasonable prices.” “I think that such statements are unacceptable to the minister and clearly do not correspond to the position of our region,” Solodov said.

Kamchatinfo wrote that the governor tasked his administration with an official examination of the Komarkov case in terms of “compliance with the ethics of a government official”, and then taking “strict disciplinary measures.” The portal confirmed that “the minister is risking his position to spread the truth about inaccessible tourism.”

The entry of the ruler, in turn, became an opportunity for discussion on the Internet. “Some demand the dismissal of the minister for his rudeness, others say that he is right, and tourism in the region is not available to the residents of Kamchatka, the vast majority of whom can afford not only travel to the Geysir Valley, but also to the unique parts of the peninsula that are easily accessible to it which are more easily accessible” – informed Kam24.

Kamchatka is not the most developed tourist destination in Russia. Due to the long journey (the journey from Moscow to Pietropawłowska in Kamchatka takes eight to nine hours), high prices and unavailability of many local attractions, few are willing to explore the area ”- the daily Kommersant wrote in April, stressing that” Flights to Kamchatka are the most expensive in the inland direction. ”

Kam24,, Kommersant

Main image source: stock struggle

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