Russia.  The arrest of a scientist from Novosibirsk on suspicion of high treason

Russia’s state agency TASS reported that Alexander Zebliuk, head of the Hypersonic Technologies Laboratory at the Novosibirsk Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, was arrested on suspicion of treason. Independent Russian media reported that three similar cases occurred in just 40 days – three scientists were arrested in Novosibirsk on the same charge.

– Vasily Fomin, scientific director of the Novosibirsk Institute, said in an interview with TASS, that (Alexander Sebiluk) is accused of treason. He stated that the facility had been inspected. It was reported that Shiplyuk had been transferred to the Lefortovo detention center in Moscow.

Prominent specialist in aerodynamics

Szipliuk is a famous Russian scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, an outstanding specialist in the field of high-speed aerodynamics and experimental methods for studying gas flows. The main scientific directions of his research relate to the development of the experimental base and methods of aerophysical research, as well as the experimental aerodynamics of supersonic aircraft with jet engines – TASS wrote about him.

The institute’s website reports that in recent years the scientist has coordinated research to support the development of hypersonic missile systems.

Kindża hypersonic missiles

Previous arrests of scientists

Alexander Zyplyuk, 55, is a third scientist from Novosibirsk on suspicion of high treason in just over a month. On June 27, Anatoly Maslov, a 75-year-old physicist suspected of sending China Hypersonic data. Maslow has also been placed in a pretrial detention center in Lefortovo, independent portal Medusa reported.

On June 30, a court in Novosibirsk arrested another scientist, 54, who is the head of the Laboratory for Quantum Optical Technologies at the Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dimitri Kolker, Also charged with treason. The man had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He was treated in a hospital in Novosibirsk, and from this place was transferred to the remand center. On July 2, Kolker was transferred to a clinical hospital near the detention facility, where he died the same day.

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