Russia.  The conductor threw the cat from the train.  He did not survive

A Russian driver threw a stray cat off the train. The animal was found dead. Although the railway apologized to the dog's guardians, a petition appeared on the Internet, whose authors demanded the dismissal of the train conductor, Russian media reported. By Monday, more than 350,000 people had signed it. the people.

A train driver allegedly threw a cat named Twix off a commuter train on Thursday while it was stopping at a station in the European city of Kirov in Russia. An animal that was traveling with its owners earlier escaped from the carrier. The woman thought the cat was a stray. When the case came to light, a group of volunteers began a search at the Kirov station. The cat was found dead on Saturday. It was then identified by its owners. According to news reports cited by the BBC, Twix died “as a result of a dog bite and frostbite.” In recent days, the temperature in Kirov has even dropped to -30 degrees Celsius.

See also: The cat spent several days locked in the car

She threw the cat off the train. They want to fire the train conductor

Russian Railways issued a statement expressing “sincere regret” over Twix's death. The state transport company also stressed that it “will not allow such incidents to occur in the future” and announced that it will change the rules for transporting pets on long-distance trains: animals in the carriages will be handed over to station staff.

One of Twix's owners told Russian state media that he “intends to pursue his rights in court.” A petition has appeared on whose authors demand the dismissal of the train conductor who threw the cat into the station. “A cat named Twix traveled by train legally: a baggage check was issued for him and he was traveling in a carriage in which the transportation of animals is permitted. We demand the dismissal of the conductor for breach of official duties (…) and cruelty to the animal, as well as compensation to its owners for moral damage, ”- wrote the authors of the petition. By Monday afternoon, more than 355,000 people had signed it.

See also: Thousands of people without heating in severe frost. “We're freezing!”

Main image source: Huey Min/Shutterstock

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