Russia will suffer if it attacks Ukraine

– The German Foreign Minister said that every subsequent act of aggression will have a heavy price for Russia – economically, strategically and politically Annala Barbuk During a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba. She added that the only way is through diplomacy.

Kuleba stated that Kiev and Berlin are united in their efforts to revive the four-way peace talks on ending the war in eastern Ukraine in the so-called Normandy format, which includes Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia.

– It is important for us now that neither Berlin nor Paris make any decisions on Ukraine without Ukraine and that they are not playing behind our backs in relations with Russia. This is critical now, Koleba said, and thanked Barbock for “taking such a principled position.”

Talks between the West and Russia without a breakthrough

Reuters notes that talks between Moscow and Western countries on the deployment of tens of thousands of troops along the border with Ukraine ended last week without achieving a breakthrough. Kiev, excluded from most of the talks, has repeatedly sought assurances from its allies that decisions on Ukraine’s future will not be made without its participation and approval.

Germany has supported Ukraine diplomatically in the conflict with Moscow since Russia seized Crimea and backed separatists in Donbass in 2014. But there are also points of contention between Berlin and Kiev, for example the gas pipeline. Nord Stream 2It is the transfer of Russian gas to Germany bypassing Ukraine.

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“The first bombs will fall on the pipelines.” Naftogaz chief warns
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Paulack’s shocking words about the Baltic Pipe. “I’m sure I’m dreaming”

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