Russian fakes from Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite: CoolCola, Fancy, Street.  It will be produced by Ochakovo

Oczakowo has introduced counterfeit products to replace Coca-Cola products on Russian shelves, according to The Moscow Times. Stores will include: CoolCola, Fancy, and Street. Visually, the drinks are very similar to the products of famous American brands.

In early March, Coca-Cola announced the suspension of production in Russia. After the announcement of this decision, the products of the American concern began to quickly disappear from the shelves of stores in this country. And stores where you can still get it more than doubled. As reported by the Moscow Times, Oczakowo intends to take advantage of this situation.

On Monday, the Russian producer revealed drinks that will replace three iconic brands of the company that pulled out of Russia: Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite. The inspiration from American products is evident at first glance. The new drink bottles are confusingly similar to the originals. The product names offered by Oczakowo leave no doubt: CoolCola, Fancy and Street. As the manufacturer assures, the similarity can also be felt in taste.

Founded in 1978, during the Soviet Union, the Moscow-based Ochakovo company mainly produces traditional Russian products, such as kvass. Its new product line is not the first attempt to make money from Coca-Cola’s exit from Russia. In April, Slawda launched Grink Cola. In May, Komi-Cola from the manufacturer Syktywkarpiwo appeared in Russian stores.

However, the Moscow Times reports that both products were met with mixed reactions from consumers. They concluded that none of the drinks was “sweet or fizzy” enough.

Meanwhile, the exit of Western companies from Russia continues. And on Monday, the decision to withdraw from this country McDonald’s announced. The company, which has been operating in the Russian market for 30 years, closed all of its premises in Russia in March. He is now looking for a “local investor” to take over the business.

Main image source: Twitter / Moscow Times

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