Russian violinist Marina Nasonova sentenced. She used a forbidden password

Russian violinist Marina Nasonova was sentenced for using the slogan “Glory to Ukraine” on WhatsApp

Russian violinist Marina Nasonova has been convicted and sentenced to a day in prison for displaying extremist symbols. In private WhatsApp messages, the woman used the slogan “Sława Ukrainie.” The artist is not the only person punished for using the Ukrainian salute.

The court in Krasnodar convicted the violinist Marina Nasonova Guilty of displaying extremist symbols To use the slogan “Glory to Ukraine” on WhatsApp – Radio Swoboda reported on Saturday.

Investigators determined that in late April she had posted a greeting in the WhatsApp group of the Kuban Symphony Orchestra. During the trial, the artist confessed to the crimes attributed to her. The judge sentenced her to one day in prison.

Wartime censorship in Russia. The slogan “Glory to Ukraine” is banned

The verdict in Nasonova’s case is not the first punishment imposed by the Russian judicial system in connection with the use of the “Glory to Ukraine” slogan. In April, the Pyatigorsk City Court fined a businessman from Zheleznovodsk 4,000 rubles for Naming a Wi-Fi Network At his company headquartersGlory to UkraineThe authorities also confiscated the site’s router in this way.

Another case of punishment for displaying a pro-Ukrainian slogan occurred in Chersk, where a resident suffered the consequences for using the phrase “Glory to Ukraine.” Title in online game. The local city court sentenced him to 400 hours in prison with hard labour.

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Recall that at the beginning of this year the Russian Ministry of Justice published List of organizations whose symbols are officially banned. These are the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the Ukrainian People’s Revolutionary Army (UNA) and the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNSO).

It is also prohibited to raise Ukrainian national slogans, including: “Glory to Ukraine” and “Glory to the heroes.” Since 2018, these greetings have been in use in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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