Scarlett Johansson is born!  We know the name and gender of the child

Scarlett Johansson is a famous American film actress who has been on the glass screen for several years. Her private life is as colorful as her career.

The well-known star of films such as “Avengers”, “Black Widow” and “Lucy” at the end of last year stood on the wedding carpet for the third time and married Colin Jost. In July, rumors appeared in the media that the beautiful actress (research!He was expecting a baby.

The stakeholder herself did not want to talk about this. The privacy-protecting Johansson hid her pregnancy from the world.

Now Dailymail has announced that Scarlett Johansson has given birth to a baby! The actress and writer on “Saturday Night Live” named the boy Cosmo.

The American actress became a mother for the second time. The star also has a daughter, Rose from a previous marriage with Romain Dauriac. editors congratulate the newborn parents!

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