Scientists discount |  Ottawa is going to federal court to avoid disclosing the documents

(Ottawa) The Liberal government is going to federal court to seek an injunction restraining the release of documents related to the shooting of two scientists from Canada’s most secure laboratory.

By this gesture, the government questions the sovereignty of any policy and has every right to demand the production of any important document, regardless of its sensitive, private or national security status.

House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rotta on Monday condemned Ian Stewart, president of Canada’s public health agency.

Room Ian Stewart was ordered to hand over the documents to the Parliamentary Law Secretary, but he again refused.

In a letter sent by the Chamber to the President through his attorney, Mr. Stewart promises that every intent is to comply with the law.

However, he explains his subtle position, according to which he does not have the right to provide documents requested by members of parliament because the source law prohibits the release of “sensitive information” or “information contrary to security”.

Under the Evidence Act, Ian Stewart on Sunday announced that he had ordered the Attorney General to send harmful information to Canada, namely the unpredictable documents requested by the panel.

After considering this information, the Attorney General applied to the Federal Court to issue an order stamping confidential documents.

At a press conference, Justice Minister David Lametti clarified that the decision to apply to the court was taken by the ministry officials in all respects with regard to the articles related to the law. Articles accepted by the previous Conservative government, he was careful to recall.

According to the court application, the disclosure of the contents of the amended documents may harm Canada’s national security, national security or international relations.

The movement identifies Anthony Rotta as the respondent in such a case, noting that a public inquiry may be necessary. The latter may therefore be called as a witness in court.

Photo by Sean Gilpatrick, Canadian Press

Speaker of the House Anthony Rotta

In a public hearing on Wednesday, Anthony Rotta said he would argue in court that the judiciary has no jurisdiction over the court’s activities.

In an exchange in French with Gerard Deltell, leader of the Conservative Party, Mr. Rota declared that “the presidency will protect the rights of the office.”

“This is something I take very seriously,” he continued. Room rights are very important and we will continue to protect them. ”

Opposition parties were shocked to learn that the government was taking legal action against the decision of the General Assembly.

Gerard Deltell did not hide his difficulty in believing the information when he received it.

Opposition parties have joined forces to demand secret documents in the hope of clearing up the mystery surrounding the shooting of two scientists, Chiang Kyi-kyu and her husband Ketting Cheng, who left the Winnipeg National Microbiological Laboratory in July 2019. They were officially fired last January.

Under the supervision of these scientists, Members of Parliament would like to know more about the transfer of Ebola virus and Henibavirus samples from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China in March 2019.

Ian Stewart assures that virus transmission has nothing to do with redundancies. He also responded that there was no connection between the COVID-19 infection, which first appeared in China’s Wuhan province, and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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