Scientists have discovered a large heat-radiating region under the moon’s surface

On the surface of the moon, between the craters Compton and Belkovich, a large block of granite was discovered that slowly releases heat. This rock is not very common outside of Earth, so finding it on the Moon is very interesting. On our planet, it forms deep within the Earth, usually under a volcano.

Prior to 1950, most scientists thought craters on the Moon were formed through volcanic processes. After that, studies related to the Apollo missions showed that almost all of them were caused by collisions, said Matthew Siegler of the Planetary Science Institute. It is true that no volcanoes similar to those on Earth have been found on the Moon, but the discovery of a block of granite on our natural satellite confirms that volcanic processes took place there as well as on our planet.

The description and results of the research have been published in Nature (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06183-5).

Effects of volcanoes on the moon

The Moon is rather not associated with the widely understood volcanoes. It is difficult to see volcanoes in the earthly sense of the word on their surface. However, it is a fact that in the ancient past there were volcanic eruptions as well as lava fields. More evidence of this was recently found by scientists beneath the surface of the Silver Globe, between the Compton and Belkowicz craters.

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