Scientists have found a new way to create quantum computers

Quantum computers are the future of our technological development. Their very concept arouses great fascination. The potential in it will allow work to be carried out that could solve many of the problems of civilization, such as finding a cure for cancer.

However, in order for us to think about turning the concept into practice, the problem of accumulating this enormous power must be solved. First, you need to collect a large number of qubits that carry quantum information. With quantum computers, this number reaches millions of qubits. These millions must be controlled through a single chip.

For this you need a suitable computer system capable of managing such a huge network. The design of one of them was presented by scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the company MITRE. They called it a quantum system on a chip.

The system enables the interconnection of a large network of qubits, interconnecting the chips using an optical network. It is based on the process of creating two-dimensional arrays of qubits, thousands of which are placed on a custom integrated circuit. All of these qubits are made of a diamond-based artificial atom that stores quantum information.

Using it, scientists have overcome the problem of ensuring the cooperation of a large number of qubits. As a result, a special CMOS chip was created, on which thousands of diamond qubits were placed. Scientists transferred an array containing up to 1024 diamond bits to a CMOS chip. As the number of qubits increases, the system becomes more efficient because it requires less effort.

Thanks to this, the quantum system on a chip allowed to maintain quantum properties, even if 4000 qubits were used. In the future, the researchers intend to improve their system by improving the materials used to produce the qubits and improving the control processes. Thus, they want to get closer to realizing their dreams of quantum computers.


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