Scientists have obtained new information about the surface and structure of the asteroid Bennu

According to the scholars, beno It is a spherical collection of rock and debris fragments of different diameters held together by a gravity. Most likely, the asteroid was formed by a collision with another, larger object. In addition, it has been bombarded for millions of years by smaller fragments of orbs.

Bennu’s first surface surveys were conducted in 2020 by a probe Osiris Rex. The goal of this mission is to collect at least 60 grams of surface material and deliver a sample to Earth in 2023.

Scientists measured the thermal properties of the asteroid and analyzed craters on its surface. private verification camera SamCam Images were recorded by “looking” at the touch-and-go sample acquisition mechanism of the robots arm (Tagsam).

– SamCam images showing the moment of contact (probe with Bennu deck – editor). Show that this connection caused large surface disturbance at the landing site. Almost every visible particle is moved or shifted in all directions along the TAGSAM circuit, said Dr. Ron Blose, co-author at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory.

TAGSAM managed to move more than 40 cm of rock, and many small crumbs smashed onto its surface. In terrestrial conditions, devices would not be able to do such a thing. Such an event indicates the presence of weak forces on Bennu’s surface.They are bound by a minimumMillimeter crumbs with a larger rock.

Scientists hypothesized that the average size of the regolith (the layer of rock on Bennu’s surface) increases as the size of the asteroid decreases. Larger spiral stars It retains more quantity of less material due to greater gravity which is able to hold small rock fragments.

During the research, it was noted that the surface of Bennu is composed of “bulk material” consisting of rocks of larger diameter. Below is a darker, redder layer that is also richer in fine particles than the surface layer of the asteroid. The density of the outer material is half that of the average Bennu density.

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