Scientists observed a continuous crystal of time.  what is he talking about?

Time crystals, also known as space-time crystals, seemed elusive for a long time. Recently, there is more and more research devoted to them.

In 2012, Frank Wilczyk, an American scientist of Polish descent, suggested the existence of these unusual structures. Its distinguishing feature is repetition in time and space. However, in the future, they can help search for the universe or build highly sophisticated and accurate clocks.

Read also: Time crystals merging for the first time. But we will wait for the practical applications

The latest reports on this topic are shown on the pages Sciences It refers to the achievements of scientists from the University of Hamburg. They were the ones who noticed the continuous crystal of time. Just as water spontaneously turns to ice near its freezing point, thus breaking a system’s transitional symmetry, time transitional symmetry can be broken when a time crystal forms.

Time crystals seemed unattainable for many years

[…] In all experiments to date, the symmetry of translation in continuous time has been broken by the cyclic motor. The challenge for us was to create a system that automatically breaks translation consistency in continuous time. Hans Kessler explains

As they assumed, they did. The study authors used a Bose-Einstein condenser inside an optical cavity and a time-independent pump. As a result, they were able to observe the phase of the limit cycle, which is characterized by periodic fluctuations in the number of photons within gravity. They are accompanied by a periodic change in atomic density in the repeating patterns.

Read also: A rare quantum state has been detected in polycrystalline. Better LCD screens and more accurate lasers will come

As they noted, the time phase of the oscillation takes on random values ​​between 0 and 2, which is in line with predictions of spontaneously broken continuous symmetry. By defining the region of stability in the appropriate parameter space and emphasizing that limit-cycle oscillations persist even in the presence of strong temporal perturbations, the researchers demonstrated the robustness of the dynamical phase.

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