Scientists warn of bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef.  The problem is water

Massive coral bleaching has been detected on the reef, scientists at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMPA) in Australia reported on Friday. Aerial photographs showed that the phenomenon began in the shallow waters of the ecosystem.

“The results reflect what we expected with above-average sea surface temperatures persisting for a long period of time in the marine park,” said Roger Peden of the Coral Reef Authority Research Group.

The Great Barrier Reef is suffering. Coral sheds algae

Corals are supposed to shed colorful algae due to thermal stress. But this makes it difficult for organisms to absorb food, which in the long run leads to their death.

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“It is important to note that thermal stress was not uniform across corals and that observed bleaching is variable,” adds Roger Pedin.

Scientists point out that bleaching is reversible, but long-term stress could contribute to the death of many corals.

Previously, coral bleaching was observed in the summer of 2023 in the Northern Hemisphere. Water temperature rising due to climate change. In addition, this phenomenon is exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean.

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