Sea floor maps are going in the right direction.  The Seabed 2030 Initiative has eight years to fulfill its promise

We try to reach the stars, even though we don’t know our planet With these words any discussion of what has not been explored here on Earth can begin. One of the best examples of our ignorance is the ocean and marine space that still holds many secrets from humanity, but with the 2030 seabed, seafloor maps are heading in the right direction.

Seabed 2030, or “Fantastic Mapping of the Sea Floor” and the creation of a huge database

Currently, exactly 23.4% of Earth’s seafloor has been identified thanks to the International Seabed Initiative 2030. This brings together governments, research institutions and businesses, and relies heavily on voluntary contributions from bathymetric data (or ocean topography), while being part of a larger Ocean Initiative contract. led by the United Nations.

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As the name suggests, the Seabed 2030 initiative aims to map the ocean floor at 100 percent by 2030, which scientists believe will be possible thanks to technological advances and the collection of data already available. This is confirmed by the effectiveness of the institution last year, in which for only 12 months participants were able to add basic measurements of the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bseas and oceans larger than the size of Europe.

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Scientists believe that collecting more bathymetric data will help us better understand climate change and efforts to protect the oceans. Besides, ocean floor maps also help in detecting tsunamis and other natural disasters. Especially since all the data collected by Seabed 2030 will be publicly available online on the global network of GEBCO (General Ocean Batymetric Chart).

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