Shame on the plane.  The passenger watched “naughty movies” – O2

The photo was shared by another passenger on the plane – Debbie LaGulf. She wrote on Instagram that there were children too, but the guy never cared.

He was watching porn on the plane

Dude, really? Do you realize that you are on a plane with your children? – I wrote under the picture.

The joint photo shocked Internet users. One commentator described the passenger as “disgusting” and the other wrote, “What a pig…”. This is another such case. Recently, more and more passengers have been reported making their trip enjoyable with adult movies.

Earlier this year, Tiktokerka Melanie Schofield said the guy next to her turned on porn during a several-hour flight. She immediately reported the problem to the service. She was apologized and transferred to first grade.

The number of commuters viewing pornography on their personal devices – sometimes even with children – has increased exponentially in recent years. In fact, this is such a big problem that some airlines provide special training for cabin crew to handle such cases.

United Airlines was forced to do such training after it was briefly listed with the National Center for Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). The NCOSE list aims to name and shame companies that “facilitate sexual assault” in the United States. United was the only airline to make the list. The largest number of incidents of background pornography have been reported on these aircraft.

In recent years, the number of incidents in which passengers have seen pornographic material on their personal devices (even in the presence of children!) in confined spaces has increased in recent years, leaving passengers and crew members at risk, NCOSE explains.

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