Shield 1000 Plus – New surcharge for electricity, 2 possible limits.  Co-financing of electric heating and heat pumps

1000 plus heating shield - additional electricity fee
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1000+ Heating Shield – Prime Minister Morawiecki announced a new subsidy for electricity. Co-financing will be PLN 1,000 or more?

Shield 1000 plus, i.e. the new surcharge for electric heating and heat pumps. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced a subsidy for people who use electricity for heating, including heat pumps. Electric heating allowance is granted on the same terms as other energy allowances. The additional electricity cost should reach a minimum of PLN 1,000 – the government does not exclude that it will be higher. Two thresholds for subsidies are considered. Find out more.

On September 15, during a press conference, Prime Minister Morawiecki presented details of a solution to frozen electricity rates for consumption up to 2000 kWh. as announced A new energy supplement for those who use electricity for heating.

Read more: Electricity up to 2000 kilowatt-hours without an increase – the government provided the details

1000 Plus heating shield, no new additional electricity fee. What is known?

In the case of homes heated with electricity or even with a heat pump, there is no chance of keeping consumption below 2000 kWh. Therefore, the government is planning another energy supplement. This time for people who heat their homes with electricity.

Who is the 1000 Plus Blade for Electric Heating?

Electricity supplement is directed to homes where the main heat source is an electrical appliance.

The additive is supposed to work similarly to other additives: for coal, pellets, heating oil, wood or LPG. Therefore, every home in which electricity is the source of heat will receive a subsidy. The requirement will be a declaration submitted to CEEB. There will also be the same principle of awarding benefits: One appendix for each residential address.

How much will the electric supplement 1000 plus be? Threshold of two additional fees?

There is no official information yet. Infor reports that the extra cost for people who heat with electricity will be 1000 PLN. Dzienic Gazzetta Browna In turn, he knows it will be Not less than 1000 PLN The allowance could be more.

“It is possible that instead of one allowance for people who heat their apartments with electricity, there will be one allowance. Several hundred zlotys. Calculations are in progress, if it can be more, and such a discussion is taking place in the government, but there is no certainty that it will be implemented Such a variant ”- reported to the DGP on September 21, 2022.

The government will provide details of the solution later this week.

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