Shopping Alert!  Biedronka, Lidl, and others removed these goods from shelves following GIS decisions in 2023 [23.01.2023]

The Health Inspection Department is concerned, among other things, with the safety of products that come into contact with foods on the market. When a product is found not to meet standards, it is withdrawn from the market, usually in set batches. For the sake of our health, we should not eat these products. Find out what was recently withdrawn from sale and check if you don’t have it at home.

The head of the sanitary inspectorate monitors the safety of consumers. The tasks of the Foundation include, among other things, the issuance of decisions on the withdrawal of products from all over the country from all stores. After the decision is issued by the GIS, the stores remove the products from the shelves and consumers who have purchased such a product have the right to return it.

Decisions from GIS usually apply to individual series or batches, not to every product. Justifications for recalling a product range from mislabelling to containing hazardous substances in the product.

GIS oversees and creates activities aimed at the welfare and public health of citizens. The task of GIS is to minimize the effects of events that negatively affect the lives of Poles – it informs, energizes and educates.

The State Health Inspection reports to the Minister responsible for health. It is administered by the Chief Inspector of Health, which is the central body of government administration.

In the gallery below you will find a list of products recalled from well-known stores such as Lidl, Biedronka or Żabka

* The data comes from the GIS Warning website here

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