Should COVID-19 vaccinations be mandatory?  Poles split [SONDA]

members ranking They have reiterated several times that vaccination against COVID-19 will not be mandatory, although it does not rule out the possibility of a fee for preparation. a. Andrei Horban. Principal Consultant the first show COVID-19 said it “hopes that the government will decide to introduce compulsory vaccination” of certain groups at risk of infection.

as follows from SW Research Survey for rp.plPoles are divided on the issue of compulsory vaccination. 42.8 percent of respondents believe that it should not be made mandatory. The opposite opinion was shared by 42.6 percent. Of the respondents (17.9% believe that there should be compulsion, but only for adults, and 24.7% – for adults and children). There is no 14.6 percent of their opinion on the matter. Threads.

Compulsory vaccination in any form is opposed by women (46%) more than men (40%). The idea of ​​introducing compulsory vaccinations so often was not supported by every other respondent between the ages of 25 and 34 – said Peter Zimolzak, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SW Research Agency in an interview with

DLOLUGdansk. 20 unvaccinated in hospital with severe COVID-19

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Will there be a third dose of the vaccine?

Adam Nidzelsky announced on Friday that the medical board is accepting approval for the third dose vaccinations Against COVID-19 for people with weakened immunity. For the third dose, it is scheduled not to exceed 28 days after the end of the initial vaccination cycle. I would like to remind you that we are dealing here with people with weak immunity, so if immunity appears, it lasts a very short time – he said Minister of Health.

To date, according to government statistics, 36,053,472 vaccines have been conducted in Poland. 18,618,197 people fully vaccinated 18,618,197.

vaccinations.  Illustrative imageThere is a position from the Medical Council regarding the third dose of the vaccine

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