Since September, shooting lessons have become mandatory in secondary schools. Already in the last grade of primary school, children learn the rules of folding weapons

Since September, shooting lessons have become mandatory in secondary schools. Already in the last grade of primary school, children learn the rules of folding weapons

Should children learn archery in schools?Opinions are divided on this matter, but it seems that there will be no choice now and these lessons will be mandatory. reported that starting in September, all secondary school students will learn how to shoot, and students in the last grades of primary schools will learn the rules for assembling and disassembling weapons. As the Ministry of National Education discovered, officials will not change the regulations introduced by the former Minister of Education, Przemysław Czarnik, on this matter. Teenagers from secondary schools or technical schools will undergo shooting training to learn how to use weapons: “shooting ranges with balls, air weapons, imitation small arms (ASG), virtual or laser shooting ranges.”

Under the “Regional Shooting Range” programme, 315 shooting ranges will be established by 2023, most of them virtual.

These regulations were introduced in 2022, and schools that did not have access to any shooting range were given two years to prepare for the new requirements. Nothing has changed in the law, so it seems that educational institutions will have to organize shooting lessons. At the same time, due to the change of power in Poland, some directors, according to Radio Zeit, were secretly hoping to cancel the obligation to learn shooting. However, nothing of the kind happened. The Ministry of National Education’s Information and Press Department reported that “there are currently no changes planned in the Ministry of National Education in this regard.” Within the framework of the “Shooting Range in the Region” program, 315 shooting ranges were set to be created by 2023, most of them virtual.

in the end

Is it a good idea to learn archery in school?!

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