Sink in the Saint-Foy outdoor site: The family of the dead boy wants answers

The family of young Daniel Allo, who drowned during a school trip to the Saint-Foy outdoor site on Thursday, is seeking answers to the exact circumstances surrounding the death of a 10-year-old boy.

• read more: Sink in the Saint-Phoebe outdoor site: Questions about safety

• read more: Saint-Foil drowns a boy: The mayor expressed his condolences to the family

Yesterday was a very difficult day for the Allo de Saint-Foi family, who still could not understand how theirs was Danny During a school trip with his class, he drowned in a body.

“We’m still in the dark, and that’s what hurts parents,” said Marshall Conan, who spent the day with his parents yesterday, supporting them in this “very difficult” test.

Even more shocking, the latter did not want to speak publicly at this time.

His brother’s birthday

According to the family, little Daniel was very happy with his day on Thursday, and he was excited to celebrate his little brother’s fifth birthday in the evening, except that he left the outdoor site.

“The [le plus jeune de la famille] He asked all the time where his older brother was. He was like his idol. He said: Where has Danny gone, is he coming back for my birthday? Mr. Conan said sadly.

“This morning, we had to send him to daycare so he forgets a little bit,” he continues.

Daniel Allo had another brother who was 14 years old.


For parents, the play is “indescribable.”

“It’s hard for anyone to understand, but here it’s like tearing a healthy baby from a very gifted mother. We can not explain it. [Daniel Allo] Proud of his parents ”, Mr. Conan confirms a few minutes after the family passed investigators.

Moreover, Mr. Conan could not tell if the victim knew how to swim.

“We, the parents and relatives, we never saw him swim,” he said.

According to field findings on Thursday, the boy was not wearing a life jacket.

funeral rites

The family promised that a funeral would be held “at the right time” in memory of Daniel Allo.

“These are new things [pour la famille Allo], These are not practices like ours [en Côte d’Ivoire]. We’ve been there a little bit, ”said a family friend.

Originally from C டிte d’Ivoire, the Allo family emigrated to Canada in 2019.

Farewell From a mother

On her Facebook page on Thursday, Daniel Allo’s mother thanked God for the 10 years she spent with her son.

“Goodbye Daniel, My son. Thank you Lord For these 10 years … “

An Daniel’s mother

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