Situation at NGC: “a national scandal”, ex-DG Mark Mayer protested

from Dismissal of four executives of the establishment, November 17, Mr. The mayor did not lose his temper. By not believing Arguments of the Acting Director General NGCShe wants the museum’s board of directors, headed by Angela Cassie, Françoise Lyon, to speak publicly on the matter.

The man who headed the museum from 2008 to January 2019 regrets his dismissal. lights Motivated by Reasons we don’t know, we’ll never knowand adds that the present Acting Director General hide behind [l’argument de] Private life.

She had to explain herself to that, but she said nothingMr. insisting that it should be abolished. Mayer adds Essential positions in any art museum.

Mr. Meyer also questions the fact thatWe don’t introduce people who convert them to see if they are competentargues that Everything is happening in secret and undercover. He is concerned about the effects of the recent layoffs, particularly the loss of expertise related to the museum’s permanent collection.

I can’t give you the numbers, but it’s amazing what this set represents [du MBAC]. It’s priceless, you can’t put a price on it [ces] National treasures […] But who manages this? Who cares today? […] It is a national scandal. »

A quote Mark Mayer, Former Executive Director NGC

A strategic plan Completely opaque

Mark Mayer condemns decisions made according to a strategic plan Completely opaque. That’s why he also wants to know That [fabrique] Board of Directors.

We’ve been told about a strategic plan, but we’re looking right ahead, he continues. He cites new policies that he says are inclusive, but Greg A. Includes Hill’s discharge.

While in charge of the museum, Mr. Meyer says he’s never heard that word Decolonization. Nevertheless, he oversaw the redesign of Canadian galleries, opened spaces for dialogue between Indigenous creators, First Nations and Canadian artists, and organized consultations with Aboriginal elders.

He regrets that the new strategic directions have overshadowed the work done earlier. Mark Meyer notes, among other achievements, the outstanding international quinquennial of contemporary tribal art in the world, which took the form of two major exhibitions, Sagahan (2013) and Apatagone (2019).

Our Indigenous artists have invited Indigenous artists from around the world to come and celebrate the birth of their cultureFormer general manager recalls, Greg A. Citing Hill’s expertise as the project’s linchpin, Hon He formed a team of consultants around the world.

The NGC The board declined our request for an interview with François Lyon. Ms. Cassie is the museum’s spokesperson on institutional mattersJosée-Britanie Mallet, the museum’s senior officer of public and media relations, responded in a laconic email.

With information from Christelle D’Amours

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