Skull and Bones – The premiere will not take place in 2022
September 28, 2022, 19:09

Ubisoft won’t let us play Skull and Bones this year to allow developers to fine-tune the game (and organize open beta testing as compensation).

skull and bones However, it will not be released on November 8th. Ubisoft has corrected the release date of its sandbox, justifying this decision by the need for finalization and “balancing” tweaks to be made to the game by the team responsible for producing the company’s new brand.

Ad on The official website of the French publisher Cheats too New debut date, set March 9, 2023. In other words, skull and bones It will hit the market four months after Servants Still ongoing Latest Ubisoft Forward Offerwhich happened on September 10.

As a consolation, Ubisoft announced that In the “near future” it will allow players to test their new game in the Open Beta. We’ll soon learn more about this through the publisher’s social media accounts.

the game skull and bones They are not foreigners Delayaccording to rumors arising from Many Problems in production. It seems so far as the title seems go outside StraightThe developers still haven’t dealt with all the challenges.

Interestingly, The delay was announced – as Tom Henderson revealed on Twitter – Just a day before the media showwhich journalists will be able to play in skull and bones. We can only guess if it’s a slip, or it has to do with competition from new installments of the series God of War And the Call of duty?

He has been interested in video games (not just video games) for many years. He began his adventure with GOL in 2015, writing in the gaming newsroom, then in the movie editing room, and–a horror of horror! – Technology (also there was a post in the Encyclopedia of Games). He started with platforms and is still a huge fan of them to this day (including metroidvania), but he also showed an interest in card games (including card games), fighting games, spirits and everything related to games as such. Don’t ask questions about the graphics – after a few hours, the author can admire pixelated characters from games that remember the division times of the Game Boy (if not greater).


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