slag.  Face the mortal steel Apator.  Dodik saved the victory of the inhabitants of Torun

Sentenced to be devoured in Toruń, the very weak Moje Bermuda Stal Gorzów was one step away from sensation in Motoarena. The minimum victory was 46:44 and was saved by Patrick Dudek in the last round by defeating Bartosz Zmerzlik.

Maciej Kmiecik

Maciej Kmiecik

Patrick Doddick

WP SportoweFakty / Krzysztof Konieczny / Pictured: Patrick Dudek

My Bermuda Stal Gorzów came in Toru without two injured aces. Martin Vaculik’s absence was already certain, but Anders Thomsen’s injury in Glasgow could have cut the wings of Stanislaw Chomsky’s side even more. More on Dane’s injury here. If we add to that the lack of Oscar Baloch, we have a complete picture of the weakening of the population of Gorzow. Despite this, the natives of Gorzow fought like lions and from Motuarina they achieved a great result for them.

When the theoretically stronger pair of guests in the first race, Bartosz Smárzlyk-Simon Wojniak, loses to Bowie Przydbinski and Jacek Holder, it’s hard to find optimism for the Gorzow players. However, it was completely different later on. Patrick Hansen gave a glimmer of hope to Bermuda’s wave Stahl in the third race, who unexpectedly won the third race, defeating Grand Prix series participants Robert Lambert and Jacek Holder.

After six races for For Nature Solutions, Apator Toruń was only ahead at 20:16. In the seventh game, the win was a double for the hosts, but Patrick Hansen showed a great performance from distance. The Dane outperformed Przedpełski from a distance. Stahl was losing by 6 points and Coach Chomsky could start tactical maneuvers.

Watch the video President Stal Gorzów: The second wave of transfers is coming

He did so in the ninth race, when Zmarzlik replaced Jasiński as tactical reserve and won twice with Szymon Woźniak, leaving Pawe Przedpełski and Patryk Dudek behind. From six points the advantage of the hosts became only two points. Apator was only leading 28:26.

The tension in the Toruń team began before the 10th race, in which Jack Holder did not make it to the start. The Australian decided to change the bike and that was over two minutes. A draw in this race was a defeat for the inhabitants of Toruń. Stal slag passengers with injuries kept the score on the proverbial front.

– We fight for everything. We know how important this match is. It often happens to me that the more difficult the game, the better. We need a whole team. If we had the whole team, we would fight for the gold. I can confirm that Martin Vaculik loaned me a very good engine. I didn’t want to take the risk and go on my own. Perhaps I will return to them before the rematch in Gorzow – said Patrick Hansen in an interview with Anita Mazur on Eleven Sports.

After 11, Gorzow’s team drew dramatically in Toruń 33:33, and it could have been better, because Zmarzlik helped Woźniak first, and after a moment he accidentally interrupted his teammate and managed to get past Patryk Dudek.
In the twelfth round, Toru was dramatically defeated by Wiktor Jasiński, who was attacked by Lewandowski and Holder, withstood the pressure and brought invaluable three points to the finish line. The draw remains 39:39 for the nominated races.

– I think the track is less attractive than in the last matches. It can also be seen after times and the fact that the external appearance does not always go as it should – explained Denis Zelensky in an interview with Thomas Lorek at Eleven Sports.

In race 14, coach Robert Sauena bet on Krzysztof Lewandowski, not Jacek Holder, who was weak in this match. Junior Abator lost the start, and Hansen and Jasinski tied behind Przyzbinski’s back.

In the final decisive race, it looked like a draw, because Bartosz Smárzlyk was in the lead, but Patrick Dudek led brilliantly, who overtook the two-time world champion, ensuring a minimal victory for the hosts.

Gorzów’s players would surely have missed such a result before the match. Nineteen points in the beginnings of the seven zimrzlik is not a sensation. Hansen and Voignac added the most important points. Who knows, whether it was Jasiński who was decisive for the overall fate of the match.

Among the hosts, the game was mostly broken down by Jack Holder, but the other top players didn’t go perfectly. Before the rematch in Gorzów, anything is still possible.

punctuation marks:

Nature Solutions Apator Toruń – 46 points
9. Paul Przydebinsky – 10 (3,2,1,1,0,3)
10. Patrick Doddick – 11 + 1 (2,3,0,2,1*, 3)
11. Jack Stand – 5 + 2 (1,2,1*,w,1*,-)
12. replace player
13. Robert Lambert – 12 + 1 (1*,3,2,3,2,1)
14. Denis Zelensky – 3 + 2 (1.1*, 1*)
15th. Krzysztof Lewandowski – 5 (3.0,2.0)
16. Matthews Avelt – 0 ()

My Stal Gorzów Bermuda shorts – 44 points
1. Szymon Woźniak – 8 + 1 (0.3,2,2*, 1.0)
2. Wiktor Jasiński – 5 + 2 (0.1 *, 0, -, 3.1 *)
3. Bartosh Zmerzlik – 19 (2,3,3,3,3,3,3,2)
4. Martin Vaculik – ZZ
5. Patrick Hansen – 9 (3,0,2,2,0,2)
6. Mateusz Bartkoviak – 3 (2.0.1)
7. Oscar Heres – 0 (0,0,0)

Running after running:
1. (59,40) Przedpełski, Zmarzlik, Holder, Woźniak – 4: 2 – (4: 2)
2. (60, 15) Lewandowski, Bartkoviak, Zelensky, Horez – 4: 2 – (8: 4)
3. (59.27) Hansen, Holder, Lambert, Jasinski – 3:3 – (11:7)
4. (59.60) Woźniak, Dudek, Zieliński, Bartkowiak – 3: 3 – (14:10)
5. (59.38) Zmerzlik, Przydbinsky, Holder, Hansen – 3:3 – (17:13)
6. (59.47) Lambert, Winniak, Jacinsky, Lewandowski – 3:3 – (20:16)
7. (59, 48) Dudek, Hansen, Przyzbinsky, Horez – 4: 2 – (24:18)
8. (59.00) Zmerzlik, Lambert, Zelensky, Jasinski – 3:3 – (27:21)
9. (59.53) Zmirzlik, Vniak, Przydbinsky, Dudek – 1:5 – (28:26)
10. (59.29) Lambert, Hansen, Bartkowiak, Holder (at) – 3:3 – (31:29)
11. (59.51) Zmerzlik, Dudek, Winyak, Przydbinsky – 2:4 – (33:33)
12. (60,36) Jasinski, Lewandowski, Holder, Horez – 3:3 – (36:36)
13. (59.30) Zmerzlik, Lambert, Dudek, Hansen – 3: 3 – (39:39)
14. (59.35) Przyzbinsky, Hansen, Jasinski, Lewandowski – 3:3 – (42:42)
15th. (59,41) Dudek, Zimmerslik, Lambert, and Winniak – 4:2 – (46:44)

Judge: Mishaw Sasic

See also:
Hate killed them. Nobody knows what was in their heads

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