Sony is concerned about Microsoft taking over Call of Duty

At the beginning of the year, the world was wild as wildfire Information About Microsoft’s plans to acquire Activision Blizzard. Completing a $68.7 billion deal is a very confusing process. In order to “get” such an acquisition, the approval of individual markets is required. As a result, many institutions collect information about the process, such as the Brazilian government (via Eurogamer). One of the companies whose opinion on this matter was sought is Sony.

Commentary from PlayStation producers is largely public and includes Strong arguments for the potential owner Call of duty in bad light. The Japanese company, in the opinion submitted to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense of Brazil, paid special attention to Activision’s greatest work, which is undoubtedly Call of duty. “The Blue” stated that despite the fact that to date no exclusive title has decided that a console would win the consumer battle, cod may change that.

The exclusive games are part of the rivalry between Microsoft and Sony Interactive Entertainment, although so far no company has developed or acquired an exclusive production that has definitely shifted the scales in favor of a console. This is because exclusive games are less popular and generate less revenue than AAA third-party games available so far on Xbox and PlayStation platforms.

Call of duty It is so popular that it affects consumers’ choice of consoleand the network of loyal users is so well established that even if a competitor had the budget to create a similar product, it would not be able to compete with it – comment from Sony authorities.

For now, PlayStation users and fans at the same time Call of duty They should sleep peacefully. once upon a time Microsoft’s head of games, Phil Spencer, in an interview with the agency Bloomberg He promised that the company does not plan to introduce all the brands itself. However, Sony’s fears of this deal are unfounded.

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