STALKER 2 – Fan Petition to Replace Russian Voices with Polish

Polish service District Center Yesterday I mentioned about a petition that was published on the site change.orgwhere Fans demand that the voices of Russian characters be replaced In the next match Stalker 2: The Heart of Chernobyl The complete Polish site.

to sign up – We will test Polish translation in productionThe dialogues were recorded in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages ​​only. In the game options we will be able to choose the ones we want to hear.

Andrei Chepankov started the petition three weeks ago. It’s been gaining in popularity lately – right now 3104 people have already signed it (The target is 5,000 signatures).

We read in it (the names were converted to the Latin alphabet from the Cyrillic alphabet):

(…) GSC has always supported people who create game related content. The Russians said they were the biggest audience stalking (…). There is another “punishment” at the level of Russia’s separation from “Swift”. Refusal of full localization of Russian and replacement with full Polish.

It was the Poles who actively helped the Ukrainians from the first day of the war. And such a move on the part of the Ukrainian studio would be one hundred percent wonderful for the entire Polish and Ukrainian audience. Especially since Russian bloggers are actively promoting hacking in the Russian community (…).

This is in no way required for GSC Game World. Rather a request, or even a suggestion from the entire Ukrainian stalking community. GSC has already demonstrated a conscientious and active public attitude, and we will support the studio in every decision. Thank you!

Yours sincerely, Anomal’nyj Prytulok community team, Volnyckyi YouTube channel, USS Discord server, fan site “” and GameStreetUA gaming community.

It is worth remembering this production Chernobyl heart Still there paused. However, there are rumors circulating on the Internet that some studies are planning the movement To the Czech Republic, where the work is supposed to be completed. GSC games sales also remained paused In Russia.


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