STALKER 2 is built on Unreal Engine 5
August 11, 2021, 19:59

The developers of STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl have confirmed that it is built on the basis of the latest version of the Unreal Engine, which was first introduced to the world last year.

Stalker 2: The Heart of Chernobyl, which will debut on PC and Xbox Series X | S at the end of April next year, is one of the most anticipated premieres for the next several months. The production creators of GSC Game World studio have lifted and revealed the secret TwitterThat they built it on the basis of Unreal Engine 5. This is the latest version of the very popular engine among developers, which was first introduced to the world last year. So far, we’ve been able to see his potential mainly in admiration Technology Offers.

Of course, knowing that Unreal Engine 5 is being used isn’t much of a surprise to people who are currently pursuing production for the title. In 2020, creatives create They confirmed that they would use the engine Epic Games, but they did not specify which version it is. Absence of the game from previous generation devicesand promotional materials, including PlayHowever, he unequivocally indicated that the developers decided to use the latest version of the technology.

Stalker 2: The Heart of Chernobyl Released on April 28, 2022 for PC and Xbox Series X | S.. The game will also be available from its premiere on Xbox Game Pass. Let’s add that in June we got to know computers Hardware requirements from the title.

  1. Official website of Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl
  2. stalker 2?? What would a return to the region look like?

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