“Star Academy”: Fatigue calls itself to the academy

Five weeks after the start of the “Star Academy” season, fatigue begins to set in. Some academics seem to have difficulty managing their energy and voice, but they also find it difficult to accept criticism from teachers.

Read more: Star Academy: Matthew Rald reacts to his dismissal

Read more: “Star Academy”: A Comfort Variety

Read more: A clip to “change the world”

Only four academics were in the rating this week, and Sarah-Mouth advanced to a clearer round than Laura Fabian, Kyleine Tremble and Gregory Charles.

She was ready to host the show “Love Someone” even though her heart was pounding before she entered the room. While Kyle and Laura were absolutely glamorous, Gregory underscored the uncertain start of her acting career. “I think your problem is mechanical. The attack is reluctant, but you feel more and more confident. It fixes itself.

Marley played guitar with her in the lesson “Can’t Help Falling in Love”. Laura was the first to notice that the educator was not in the best position. “I feel like your body is telling me, I understand your fatigue,” the director said. Quillin underscored his courage to tackle such a famous song before calling Marilyn to take care of himself, less in service, and closer to her roommates’ bed.

Jeremy said he was tired, but not necessarily tired. Leaving the evaluation room, he said he was “always tired of hearing the same opinions.”

He sang the song “Sand My Boots” by folk singer Morgan Wallen. Guylaine Tremblay opened the feud with him: “It looks like you’re not in it. It felt like listening to a lot of other country singers.”

Gregory Charles added a layer. “I have an idea that you decide what you’re going to do based on the reaction you’ve had in the past. I do not want to break you, I just want you to find the small part where you are missing out so you can make progress.

Before entering the rating room Sandrin was known to have a fever, and her performance in “The Story” was very poor. Laura’s face was like she was suffocating. “You were always next to the level of accuracy, the director argued. It was far from what you showed us in the past.

The teachers’ comments caused the educator to panic and he went to lock himself in the bathroom to cry.

So Sandrin, Jeremy and Marley have to defend their place in the academy during the next variant. Since they all sang in English during the evaluation, Laura Fabian allowed herself to be interested in them, to open her eyes and find songs in French.

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