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Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Misiek Koterski, Marian Dziędziel … stars at the opening ceremony of the 11th Acting Film Festival. Pictures.

The next edition of the Tadeusz Szymko Film Festival. This year again in conjunction with the Film Direction Festival. The opening ceremony was held on June 4. The event will run until June 9.

There will be prizes for outstanding creators. Platinum and Golden Puppies will go to the best actors, and Crystal and Golden Boars will go to the best directors. The festivals will be held at the Wroclaw Puppet Theatre. For film screenings, meetings with filmmakers, and acting workshops, go to OH KINO in Arkady Wrocławskie.

There were also stars at the opening ceremony.

Stars at the opening ceremony of the eleventh festival of acting. Who appeared?

Film Festival. Tadeusz Szymków will be held for the 11th time, while the Film Festival New Year’s Eve Chęciński – For the fifteenth time, actors, directors and people associated with the film will appear in Wroclaw.

On Saturday 4 June, the opening ceremony was held. The ceremony was held on the stage of the Wroclaw Puppet Theatre. It was the hosts of the evening Małgorzata Kożuchowska and Michai Kotersky. Recently, they played marriage in a movie jerkSo managing the concert wasn’t their first joint debut.

The first prize was awarded on Saturday: pig crystal For outstanding achievements in film directing. He was received by the excellent director Philip Bagon. Film maker such as a Daimler-Benz limousine, Magnate or Butler. on the other side Platinum Puppy For outstanding achievements in film acting, he went to Marian Dzidzilla, known from his films wedding receptionAnd the my cow girls if side of the road.

Who appeared at the opening ceremony? Already listed Małgorzata KożuchowskaMysek Kotersky, Marian Dzidziel, Mickey PagonIn addition to Joanna Trzebyteska, Janusz Majowski, Waldemar Krzysztek, and Stanislav Dziernico, this is the creator and artistic director of the festivals.

Pictures in gallery.

Elwira Szczepańska

Polish philologist by education, editor by profession. CrossFit and healthy lifestyle enthusiasts. He admires French cinema, Italian cuisine, and Stanislaw Barriga’s films.

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