Strange objects on the surface of Mars.  Scientists are trying to explain where they come from

One aspect of the project supervised by NASA is the search for evidence of possible life on the fourth planet from the sun. While such a scenario is currently unlikely (and if it occurred would likely result in the removal of microorganisms), the situation would likely have been very different in the past.

Read also: Mars explorers are surprised by the latest discovery. They encountered an unusual microclimate

Perseverance’s latest discovery concerns unusual rocks. Its presence appears to be evidence that water may have been present in large quantities on Mars in the past. Taking into account the fact that we are talking about Jezero crater, which is considered a possible former reservoir filled with water, such a scenario has a high probability of coming true.

The vehicle is currently located within the Bright Angel Formation, which was likely part of the riverbed that flows into the modern crater. The bright rocks attracted special attention from scientists associated with the mission. But reaching them was not easy, and the vehicle designated for this purpose – while previously moving at a rate of more than a hundred meters a day – now moved a few dozen at most.

As NASA representatives explained, the pass made it possible to trace the former north-facing riverbed. The idea was to find a place where the terrain was suitable enough to drive the rover toward light rocks. It was also important to have a not too steep slope on the other side. At some point, a suitable area was found.

The Perseverance rover is searching for evidence on Mars that suggests there may be life on the red planet

In this way, the journey to the destination can be accelerated by several weeks. It turns out the game was worth it, as Perseverance reached rocks never before seen on the Red Planet. These structures take the form of densely arranged areas and numerous edges, and their arrangement indicates the participation of water in transporting the minerals deposited in this place.

Read also: Thousands of people have tried to decode the signal coming from Mars. Finally I succeeded!

Similar formations are known to form on Earth in water-rich areas, so it can be assumed that a similar scenario occurred on Mars. In the future, scientists will want to know the chemical composition of these rocks. Based on the list of minerals discovered there, they will be able to better understand the conditions in which they were created. To do this, Perseverance will vaporize the samples it encounters and analyze the resulting cloud using the SuperCam instrument.

If the results turn out to be surprising or important in some way, a decision will be made about collecting samples for delivery to Earth. Here, researchers will be able to conduct more detailed laboratory analyses. But before that can happen, a mission must be carried out to transport the collected materials back to our planet.

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