Taxes 2022 – the Polish deal.  Bowie Boris, Chairman of the Political Finance Watch commented

Two weeks after its introduction, the tax changes from the Polish deal still raise a lot of questions. – No one failed to present the Polish system. (…) A possible bump is related to information policy, it may be necessary to do more – said Bowie Boris, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Polish Development Fund, in the “One for One” program on TVN24. He indicated that he did not see any justification for postponing the entry into force of the tax changes.

Since the beginning of 2022, changes to taxes have come into effect, which were announced by the PiS as part of the Polish system. It is a 140-page law that amends the Personal Income Tax Act, the Corporate Income Tax Act, and some other laws. After the tax changes of the Polish system entered into force, incl. The tax-exempt amount increased to 30 thousand PLN, and the tax threshold to 120 thousand PLN. At the same time, the tax deduction for health contributions has disappeared.

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The Polish System – Comments by Bowie Boris

In January, some employees already received salaries that take into account the reforms of the Polish deal. It turns out that some teachers and officers in the regular service received lower salaries than they did in December.

According to the head of the PFR, Paweł Borys, “No one has failed to deliver the Polish system”. “It’s a very comprehensive program, and a lot of quick changes in terms of tax cuts for eight million people are going to benefit from it,” he commented.

Boris was asked that if no one fails to implement tax changes, why? Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki should apologize People who got lower wages in January. And recently, the Minister of Finance issued a decree on extending the deadlines for collecting personal income tax advances. According to the Ministry of Finance, thanks to the new regulation, people who received lower salaries in January will receive compensation as soon as possible. – said Bowie Boris – I think that with such a comprehensive reform, obstacles can also arise.

At the same time he noted that “teachers were not aware of the existence of such a thing as PIT-2 and in the event of tax changes, they had to introduce it.” – The possible error is the information policy, and perhaps more should have been done. The head of the Polish Development Fund said, if such an information campaign were carried out on a larger scale, this problem might not have occurred.

Read more: PIT-2 – what is and who makes such an advertisement?

According to Boris, “the easier to judge, the more difficult.” – You must take into account that at the same time the Ministry of Finance was creating a shield against inflation and fighting the effects of the epidemic. These are very complex changes, but in my opinion it is not that complicated a system. He noted that the tax-exempt amount is increasing, we pay health insurance, a third of employees will not pay taxes, a third will pay less tax, 20 percent will be neutral, and about 15 percent will pay more.

In the opinion of the head of the political finance watchdog, there is no justification for postponing the entry into force of tax changes from the Polish deal. – I am convinced that the presented program is not only about tax changes, there is Family Caring Capital, there are allowances for innovation, there are a number of changes necessary in the post-pandemic period – he said.

– I see no justification for postponing the tax cut of 18 billion for Poles – and he concluded.

Main image source: the television

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