Terrible news regarding KPO.  The government will have a problem

From analysis conducted by CRIDO It appears that many of the projects listed in the KPO never started at all; Which means there is no chance of completing it by August 31, 2026. – In such a case, Poland will not receive refinancing from the EU, because the condition for paying the money is the completion and closing of the investment – he said.

He added that according to data obtained by CRIDO from the ministries responsible for individual programs and projects, of the 56 investments included in the KPO plan, approximately 43 are at risk of not being fully implemented or being deleted from the plan. – We lost two years – he summed up.

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What about KPO investments?

He noted that Poland's KPO program provides 56 investments and 55 reforms aimed at strengthening the Polish economy after the pandemic. Within this pool, Poland will receive 59.8 billion euros (268 billion zlotys), including 25.27 billion euros (113.28 billion zlotys) in the form of grants and EUR 34.54 billion (PLN 154.81 billion) in preferential loans.

According to Kosiganchuk, projects from the support part are being implemented better, and some of them are pre-financed by the Polish Development Fund.

The so-called Component A (Responsibility and Competitiveness of the Economy), which includes, among others: He referred to the reform of spatial development or investments aimed at shortening the food supply chain and developing food processing.

He added that projects related to corporate robotics and closed trading are also advanced. Moreover, programs such as “Maluch Plus” and “Clean Air” are almost ready for compromise. The latter – as he pointed out – are programs that implement government policy that is included in the KPO.

According to the expert, the worst situation concerns investments in Component D (Health), as 98% of investments are at risk. Planned projects. – He said that its total value amounts to 19.3 billion Polish zlotys, of which less than 300 million Polish zlotys.

Those that have not started include: construction and modernization of specialized medical care centers (planned for PLN 9.5 billion), digital transformation of health services (PLN 4.5 billion), development of district hospitals (PLN 700 million), development of the pharmaceutical and medical products sector (PLN 600 million Polish zlotys).

Do you need a KPO review?

According to Kosiganchuk, it is necessary to review the KPO policy, which – as he estimates – may cover up to half of the projects. He added that the process of preparing and accepting the review by Brussels could take up to several months.

Currently, the Ministry of Finance and Regional Policy is reviewing the programs under the KPO and preparing their revision. As announced by the head of the ministry, Katarzyna Piečinska Nalčík, it is scheduled to be presented to Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the end of February and, after his approval, to the European Commission. – It will be a package in which it is clearly defined which package we are entering into, what we are adjusting, what investments should be changed a little to make it more logical, To adapt by 2026, and which ones do not make sense – explained Katarzyna Pieczynska-Nauch.

Billions for Poland

On Friday, February 23 of this year. president European Commission At a joint conference with Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw, Ursula von der Leyen announced that two decisions on European funds for Poland would be made next week. They will release funds for Poland from the National Reconstruction Plan and for the implementation of the Cohesion Policy.

inside Cohesion policy for the period 2021-2027 Poland will receive more than 340 billion Polish zlotys (76 billion euros). In mid-January of this year. Poland has sent a request to the European Commission on the fulfillment of the condition on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the fulfillment of which would allow reimbursement of expenditures under all objectives and programs covered by the Association Agreement.

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