The 2023 hybrid solar eclipse is an extremely rare event.  Will it be visible in Poland now?  Check out where to watch

A hybrid solar eclipse is an unusual astronomical phenomenon, and one of the rarest this century. A hybrid solar eclipse basically means that you’ll be able to see an annular and total solar eclipse on the same day. This is a unique sight in the sky on April 20th. Will it be visible in Poland? What is a hybrid solar eclipse and how to view it? Read more.

On April 20 (Thursday) you will be able to observe a unique phenomenon in the sky – Hybrid solar eclipse.

The hybrid solar eclipse will begin on April 20 at 3.34 am. The event will peak at 6.16, and will stop appearing at 8.59.

this One of the rarest astronomical phenomena in this century!

A hybrid solar eclipse means that there will be an annular and total solar eclipse. This solar eclipse is a hybrid between an annular eclipse where you can see a ring of fire around the sun and a total eclipse where the sky turns dark.

According to Carol Wojski, celebrity astronomer, and author of the blog With Head in the Stars, A hybrid solar eclipse is an extremely rare eventWhen the Moon, which casts a shadow on our planet, is at a special distance from the Earth, due to its curvature somewhere, its distance from the surface allows you to see a total eclipse, but in other cases it is very large and an annular eclipse occurs.

An annular eclipse occurs when the diameter of the moon’s disk observed in the sky during an eclipse is slightly smaller than the diameter of the sun’s disk. Then the Moon will not be able to cover the entire disk of our star and during the maximum phase in the sky we will observe such a solar ring. During a total eclipse, the moon’s disk completely covers the sun, explains Karol Wojciech.

Will a hybrid solar eclipse be visible in Poland? Unfortunately no. We will not see the April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse in Poland. This unique phenomenon will be visible mainly from the sea belt and oceans. A hybrid solar eclipse will only be visible in places like East Timor – a country on the island of Timor in the Malay archipelago to the west that borders Indonesia, a small peninsula in northwest Australia and West Papua – a province in Indonesia on the island of New Guinea.

First, during sunrise over the southern part of the Indian Ocean There will be a short annular eclipse lasting 5 seconds. Then quickly It will enter into a total eclipse, which will take about 1 minute and 16 seconds at its maximum. Eventually, the eclipse will turn into an annular eclipse again, which will last for about 10 seconds during sunset, Karol Wójcicki explains.

It is happening in Poland and in the world – read on

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