The airport is in Parano.  People in PiS are making a fortune

  • The Central Communications Port is an emerging transport node between لودód and Warsaw, which would integrate air, rail and road transport.
  • A state-owned company of the same name was created to prepare and implement the project
  • CPK spent more than 27 million PLN on salaries that year. Employment increased in early 2019 and 2020 from 100 to 260 people
  • It is doubtful whether the works will start in 2023. Many experts predicted its postponement, only because of the problems of resettlement of residents of Barano and its vicinity.
  • Onet, in collaboration with “Gazeta Wyborcza” and Radio Zet, as part of the “Party and Companies” chain, has been tracked who runs the Megalothouse project
  • You can read more about political patronage here

Beginning in 2023, works ending in 2027 – these are the optimistic plans of the government to build a rocky airport in Parano, a small, until recently unknown town located about 40 kilometers from Warsaw. idea Established and approved by the government in November 2017. And in June 2018, the President signed a special law to enable the construction of the port.

In the government’s plans, the new giant airport is set to handle 45 million passengers annually in the first phase. The state-owned Solidarity Airport is to be built on an area of ​​3,000 square meters. Hectare.

The airport representative pulls his people out of the sea

Government commissioner for the construction of the central communications port is Deputy for the Law and Justice Party, Marcin Hurra. It was in the previous term of the House of Representatives He directed the work of the VAT Fraud Investigation Committee. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who appointed him commissioner, at the same time appointed him to the post of Deputy Minister of Infrastructure.

Horacha is also the Gdansk Provincial Coordinator for Law and Justice, which is where some of the CPK’s current employees come from. The politician agreed to pay nearly 30 million PLN in salaries to people working on this project – pay the amount of salaries to CTH employees by December 2020, as Results from the answer to the interrogation of Senator Krzysztof Brigza on the Civic Stand.

The company spent an additional 2.7 million PLN on bonuses to persons under civil law contracts. The average salary at CTH is about 10,000 PLN. zloty. Employment at CPK increased from 2019 through the end of 2020 by over 150%. – From about a hundred to 260 people.

From deputy minister to airport chief

CPK chief is Mikowaj Wild. His career exemplifies the popular trend in the ruling camp – members of the government and members of the PiS go to treasury firms. Since the beginning of PiS rule, Wilde has served in various positions in government, including. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury and Deputy Minister of Infrastructure.

Patrick Velmet is also on the Board of Directors of CPK – a former Gdynia Law and Justice Counsel. Earlier, he was among others a free assistant. Flemette also worked in management positions at the state-owned port of Gdansk and at Lotus.

Another member of the CPK Board of Directors is Radosław Kantak, who is responsible for work related, among other things, with the planning and implementation of railway investments. Previously Kantak worked in the General Directorate of National Roads and Highways – he was director of branches, first in Gdansk, then in Bydgoszcz.

There is a personal carousel in the KCP authorities, but changes are taking place in the circle of the PiS and the people of Horaza. In April of this year, Velmet replaced Patrick Demsky on the PKK board, who was previously a member of the Pomeranian Regional Council and mayor of Piplin from PiS. Demsky is today Vice President of Torun Energy.

In February, Siluya Matusiak, responsible for public relations and marketing, left CPK’s board of directors. She worked for years with PiS, among others in the Presidential Chancellery under Lech Kaczynski. In recent years, she was considered under the auspices of Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin – she was a member of the Wołomin poviat, which was politically shaken by Sasin.

Salaries of a quarter of a million a year

The person associated with Marcin Horała is the current member of the Port Supervisory Board, Jaromir Falandysz. In the years 2014-2018, he was a law and justice consultant in Gdansk, where – let us remind you – Huracha is the district coordinator. Vallandes is also a member of the Lotus College Board of Directors.

The CPK’s supervisory board also includes Paweł Stańczyk, who was Ostrołęka’s Vice President from the PiS Prize in 2006-2010. Stańczyk changes companies like a glove. Since the PiS came to power, he has been the chief of agent Logistyczny Paliw Płynnych, Orleen Sirwes and head of PGNiG Termika. Since June, the president of Grupa Azoty has been Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn SA

In the case of the company supervising the CPK, there was also Rafał Antczak. He is the vice president of PKO BP. In the past, Antczak was a liberal associated with PO, and later became a fierce critic of it. He is considered a man of Mateusz Moraviki.

According to the results of “Fakt”, we spent more than 47 million PLN from the state budget in 2019 and 2020 on the salaries of people managing STH. The company’s board of directors received almost 900 thousand PLN. PLN in 2019 and nearly 1.2 million in 2020. The head of the CPK Mikołaj Wild in 2019 collected nearly 480 thousand. PLN, and in 2020 – 390 thousand. zloty. Siluya Matusiak earned about 400,000 PLN per year. The aforementioned Patrick Demsky collected more than a quarter of a million zlotys during the working year.

Party and Company. Joint investigation with Onet, Wyborcza and Radio ZET

Every day we compete with each other for news and the attention of recipients. In this investigation we decided to join hands, because justification of existence was required. Each of our editorial offices in recent years has described how PiS and its coalition partners are increasingly present in state-owned enterprises, using job distributions to expand their sphere of influence. We have seen that the magnitude of this phenomenon is great. But how exactly? Who is the politician who gives the most loot? What are the scenes of the dispute over the political impasse? And how does this affect the state of the companies themselves? We decided to get detailed answers to these questions.

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