The body of the tyrannosaur and its legs resemble a lizard.  They discovered an unknown creature!

In Patagonia, Argentina Scientists have discovered a new species of abelisaurus, which has been named Kolekin Inakayali. Specialists reconstructed his body based on several skull bones, an almost complete dorsal ridge, sacrum, several caudal vertebrae, a pelvic girdle, and almost complete hind limbs.

The newly discovered reptile was a large, bipedal, carnivorous dinosaur. Paleontologists point out that the ancient animal displays a unique set of cranial features, as well as several anatomical differences from other abelisaurs. Carnotorosa sastre Known from the same rock formation.

Interestingly, no arm bones were found, but based on the rest of the skeleton and its proportions, it was determined that the arms were very short. Researchers think so Prehistoric reptiles had immovable elbows and vestigial wrist joints.

Abelisaurus From 90 to 66 million years ago, dinosaurs were the most numerous on Earth. They belonged to the theropods of the ceratosaur group, which inhabited the southern part of the supercontinent Gondwana (from the Middle Jurassic to the end of the Cretaceous). Most known abelisaurs had a body length of 5 to 11 metres. T-Rexy They lived in what is now North America and Asia, but it was the abelisaurs living in what is now South America that created the best fossil record in the world.

The mystery of why these reptiles have such small arms remains unsolved. There are theories that the limbs could have been used to attack trapped prey or to assist during mating. In turn, some researchers see this Short arms are just evolutionary relics from ancient ancestors. These experts suggest that as the skulls of these reptiles evolved and increased in size, abelisaurs began to rely more on their jaws than their upper limbs.

– This discovery sheds light on the diversity of abelisaurs found there Patagonia Just before the mass extinction – says Diego Paul of National Geographic, who discovered this species with an international team from Argentina, the United States and China.

He adds: – Our study also analyzes it Evolution of abelisaurs and their relatives over time and identifies the pulse of accelerated cranial evolution in the Early Cretaceous. This expands our knowledge of the abelisaurs that lived in this region during the Cretaceous, and shows that they were more diverse than previously thought.

The results of the research were published in a prestigious international scientific journal Taxonomy.

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