The court’s decision was wrong. “The castle case in Stobnica . was postponed

The hearing was scheduled for Tuesday at the District Court in Poznan. However, the court’s press office said Tuesday morning that The hearing will not take place because the judge is on vacation. No new date for the meeting has been set.

Build a so-called castle in Stobnica It is an investment by Pozna-based DJT, and is being implemented in the Natura 2000 area. The multi-family building under construction on the edge of the Noteć Forest is scheduled to have 14 floors above the ground and a tower tens of meters high. In August 2018, the Minister of Environment instructed the Director General of Environmental Protection to begin an audit of the construction decision-making process. The Public Prosecutor’s Office has also been notified in this case.

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Castle in Stobnica

At the end of 2020, the Public Prosecutor’s Office submitted an indictment to the court against persons “whose activities are related to the implementation of an illegal investment.” The indictment was brought against six people. Considering the seventh, and because of her death, the prosecutor stopped the proceedings on the charges against her.

Among the accused Bowie N and Demeter N, representatives of the company making the investment, remained Bowie N. Accused of using a document that testifies to falsehood, and making a false statement o The property owner’s right to dispose of the property and carry out activities that threaten the environment. Dymitr N. was accused of carrying out a construction investment in the Special Bird Conservation Zone as part of the Natura 2000 network, contrary to the ban.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Valdemar S., as an architect and chief designer, working for financial advantages, confirmed the incorrectness of the document by providing unreliable data on the size of the area planned to be converted, and thus helped Pawe N . to commit the alleged crime.

Castle in Stobnica. Court decision

The public prosecutor in Poznan filed a complaint against this court decision. A spokesman for the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Poznan, Prosecutor General ukasz Wawrzyniak, explained that the decision in the opinion of the Prosecutor General is unfounded.

The court’s decision is wrong, because the investment in the construction of a housing facility and massive facilities in the special protection zone for birds within the Natura 2000 network clearly falls under the discourse of art. 188 of the Penal Code (carrying out activities that threaten the environment – editor’s note). Prosecutor Wawrzyniak stated that this provision allows for imprisonment of up to two years for people who carry out activities that threaten nature in protected areas.

The complaint asserted that the defendants were fully aware that they were making an investment that required obtaining a decision on the environmental conditions, They erroneously reduced the investment area to 1.7 hectares in the documents submitted to the offices. Moreover, the Prosecutor found it inadmissible for the Oborniki Court to rely on the January 12, 2022 judgment of the Voivodeship Administrative Court which he appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court with a cassation appeal.

During the June hearing in the District Court of Oberniki, requests to stop the proceedings were made by the other defendants in this case: Iona B. – who was the superintendent of construction supervision in Oborniki, and Marek J. Staff of the Department of Architecture and Building at Starostei Buffett in Oborniki. However, since these petitions were submitted only by them during the hearing – the court excluded their case; These proposals are considered during a separate meeting.

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