The first study of this kind in history!  Scientists examined the atmosphere of Gliese 486 b

The astronomical community is constantly making new discoveries in space. More and more interesting exoplanets are being discovered, some of which are similar to Earth in some respects.

Recent research done by Centro de Biologymade it possible to model the interior and estimate the relative sizes of the core and mantle Exoplanet Gliese 486 b. This is a hot giant Earth that was discovered in 2021 and orbits the nearby red dwarf Gliese 486, about 26 light years from the sun.

Thanks to the data obtained using a range of instruments and space telescopes such as CHARA, CHEOPS and Hubble Space Telescopeand MAROON-X, TESS and CARMENES, predictions have also been made about the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. Soon it will be directed towards him James Webb Space TelescopeIt can provide more accurate data on the composition of the atmosphere of an exoplanet.

“Gliese 386 b has become a Rosetta stone in exoplanet science.” Jose A. explains. Caballero, research leader. “We have terrestrial planets in the solar system; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Now also the fifth studied Earth planet is Gliese 486 b.”

The CAO research team is surprised by the new discovery, but the new possibilities for further scientific discoveries seem even more important to it. Including configuration data magnetic fields Because of the liquid metallic outer core. Gliese 486 B It appears to have an Earth-like magnetic field, potentially protecting it from storms emanating from its host star and preventing atmospheric erosion.

Although Gliese 486 b seems too hot to live in, given the careful results of our research, it could prove to be the first planet for which we can formulate basic questions. Does it have a primordial atmosphere of hydrogen and helium? Is it composed of carbon dioxide and water vapor from volcanic eruptions? Does it have tectonic movement?

Much of the data that was used in the research was obtained using a Carmen spectrometer mounted on a 3.5 meter telescope Calar Alto in Almeria. MAROON-X was also used on an 8.1-meter telescope for observations North Gemini and the STIS instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Shape sensors helped determine the size of the planet CHEOPS from ESA and NASA’s TESS probe. The radius of the star was measured in Chara on Mount Wilson, California. Smaller ground-based telescopes and amateur astronomy enthusiasts helped determine the period of the star’s rotation.

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